Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Bringing you up to speed

I have actually posted twice on Blogger lately.

Click here to check it out. 

My older entries are being moved and they have been backdated to their original August post dates.

Sunday, December 4, 2005

First Annual Dallas Bloggers Holiday Extravaganza


For the second month in a row the Dallas Bloggers (formerly known as J-landers) got together for fun, food and festivities.  This time we gathered at the home of Vivian, Nwanyioma's Journal. Even though our little AOL community has been dealt a blow, we did not let it deter us from coming together and having a wonderful time.  I'd say six hours for brunch is more than sufficient, wouldn't you?! 

The last time we were gathered Julie, twin sister of Judith at Mirror, Mirror on the wall, was out of town and unable to join us.  This time, Julie was present but Judi, emmapeeldallas, was under the weather and did not make it. We missed you, Judi!  It was great to meet you, Julie!!

The food we enjoyed was as eclectic as the participants.  Everything was delicious!  To avoid indigestion, we kept our grumblings of the AOL ad dibacle to a minimum but all agreed, it was poorly handled and has damaged what was a peaceful, happy little community.  We each have handled the situation in our own way and were pleased to know we shall remain friends regardless of where we blog!  I suspect we will learn of more bloggers in the Dallas area in our new and various journal homes and our numbers may grow.  Vivian was the only one who took pictures this time and, even though she has shared, I'll let her post those on her journal.  She has a lovely home which reflects her warmand friendlypersonality.

I can tell V has been very busy since we were all together yesterday.  Check out her latest journal entry.  I am a bit behind but have every intention of catching up soon. Here is my new home