Sunday, January 22, 2006

Old Habits Die Hard

“Hellooooo” she said in her best Mrs. Doubtfire imitation.  Yes, I am back after more than a month without access to the computer in my new home.  I have missed reading your journal entries on a regular basis and I have really missed adding my own journal posts!   


So often, in the last few weeks, something would happen and I would think of adding to my journal.  Getting everything to work again, after the move, has been a technological nightmare but I have to credit my daughter with finally reconnecting me to the outside world. 


I love to keep things light and funny in this little piece of cyberspace so let me recap some of the events that would have been part or all of a journal post in the last five weeks


  1. Chasing my prescription from the dentist across two parking lots, a street and a field during a recent windstorm.
  2. Five visits to the dentist.  My random thoughts while under the gas were certainly blog worthy!
  3. Losing a temporary crown just as visitors from Corporate came to see our new office operations.  That post would have been titled “Fixodent:  A Little Dab Will Do Ya"
  4. Having a cricket jump up my pants leg while I was on the phone at work.
  5. Right after I moved, I unexpectedly found myself with no electricity in the middle of the night. I almost broke my neck stumbling over boxes as I tried to find candles and matches using the only available light … the glow from my dying cell phone.
  6. “Fun with Duct Tape”  (I had no idea it came in camouflage!)
  7. Casino Night at the company Christmas party.  I could do no wrong that night playing Texas Hold ‘Em poker and wound up going head to head against my boss.

Things are very busy at work and I am still trying to dig out from under the schtuff I felt compelled to move.  I have missed journaling and am soooo glad to be back.


Make it a great day!




This is my post from 


Anonymous said...

Hi, Donna!  Glad you're back online.  Sounds like you've had alot going on in addition to the usual mass-activity surrounding the holidays.  I bet it will be one of those things you look back on in a couple of months/years and think "How'd I do all that???"

Anonymous said...

Missed you! I hope you will be posting some pictures of the new place? You are so brave. I have been trying to get myself to move for, well, 20 years now. I have found a new condo complex I like, if I can just give up my house and yard....I liked the cricket thing, that made me laugh!


Anonymous said...

I had put u on my "alert when theres a new entry" list when I stumbled across your jounal awhile back. Well, I just got the alert and remembered why I did that. ..You crack me up!!! Thanks for the laughs I had reading through your jounal    Ginger

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh so nice to see your post!!!!  I love Mrs. Doubtfire and can hear exactly how it is said helloooooo!

Anonymous said...

It's great to see that you're back!  I've been worried about you, but I'm sitting here chuckling at your month of misadventures, and looking forward to hearing more about what you're up to.


Anonymous said...

It's funny how there are moments when we take pause, and think "this would make a great entry". Sort of creeps into the subconcious.

Anyway, I'm glad to see you here again, and welcome back!