Friday, October 3, 2008

Lonely, I'm just so lonely ...

Wow.  This new home is taking some getting used to.  I am so grateful for those of you who have come over to visit my blogger journal and have added yourself as a follower and, better yet, left a comment so I know you are out there. I am still trying to get the feel for how to leave comments, add a moving graphic, add an alert for your blogs. I am mastering something every time I log on so I am sure I will get settled and figure it out soon.

I have been reading back through so many old entries I posted here on AOL and having fun going down my own memory lane. I have copied and pasted some of my favorites.

Here is where you can find me.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

There goes the neighborhood!

I am determined to have a good attitude about this transition.  I am excited to see so many of the journals I enjoy, heading to Blogger as well.  My new home is very simple at this time.  No window treatments, no pictures hanging on the walls and the garage is full of half packed boxes of entries I am not sure I will keep.

I did learn one thing tonight while pacing around the empty rooms of my blogger journal, I had actually started a journal there in 2005 and there have been a lot of great features added.  All I had to do was update my template and voile, I had attachments.  Not sure what to do with all of them yet but I am learning.  I am open to your suggestions and Bucko, please let me know if I fixed the problem with the URL.

Some of you have been having a bit of a problem with the setup and poor Suzy's journal (I don't recall having a memory problem) is blocked while they try to determine if she has created a SPAM blog!  Good grief!  As I told Suzy, when they saw us coming they probably said, "There goes the neighborhood!"  LOL

What they do not realize (yet) is we are a loyal bunch and will create new networks and continue to enjoy the creativity of the journaling community, just in a new 'hood.

My plan is to copy and paste some of my favorite entires from here, over there.  Wish me luck with that!