Friday, October 3, 2008

Lonely, I'm just so lonely ...

Wow.  This new home is taking some getting used to.  I am so grateful for those of you who have come over to visit my blogger journal and have added yourself as a follower and, better yet, left a comment so I know you are out there. I am still trying to get the feel for how to leave comments, add a moving graphic, add an alert for your blogs. I am mastering something every time I log on so I am sure I will get settled and figure it out soon.

I have been reading back through so many old entries I posted here on AOL and having fun going down my own memory lane. I have copied and pasted some of my favorites.

Here is where you can find me.


Anonymous said...

Yes, it is a lonely feeling.  I'm so used to getting so many Alerts.....and none today.

I'm trying hard to get used to the new site and getting prepared for the big migration so I can see all my entries in the new neighborhood.

Yes, we have been in that site before but I must say, I didn't like it there.  I have to stop having negative thoughts about this.

Adding the animations and graphics takes more steps in the new site....I kept pressing this and that and when I finally mastered a moving animations, I forgot all the steps it took me to get there!  LOL

We will all get through it together somehow.

Hugs, Rose

Anonymous said...

I'm learning  my way around over there, but keeping up with everyone has been a challenge.  I feel like I've lost some journals along the way, but am still hoping to find them.  
It is awefully quiet over here. Hardly any comments, or alerts.  Everyone busy with moving things.  It'll take a while for the dust to settle.
                                                                         :) Leigh     getting used to typing that! :)

Anonymous said...

It does suck.  I'm going to miss everyone.  Good luck in your 'new home'!  Lisa