Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fra-gi-le - It must be French!

Wow!  I was very pleased to win the Magic Smoke "What's The Caption" award and I appreciate all the great comments you have so kindly left for me.  I was a bit embarrassed that the one time I am getting "national attention" was when my latest entry was the most unguarded entry I have ever posted.

I typically want to go for the upbeat, more positive post and having new readers come at this time was like having drop-in company when your house is in shambles. 

Never fear. I have cleared the papers off the coffee table, washed the sink full of dishes and, much like Hansel and Gretel's crumbs in the forest, I have picked up the trail of clothing that starts just inside the front door. 

So, ya'll come on back now, ya hear?!!


If you do not understand the title to this entry, please check this out:


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey cool!  Thats nice you got that award (that was a cute caption!)

Anonymous said...

Well, I certainly understand a trail of clothing through the house, but mine sometimes starts from the car....or the restaurant...xoxo

Anonymous said...

if it makes you feel any better i got my award after having not one, but two. mega-meaning housecleaning blog episodes.  i am also usually not quite that snarky.

thanks again for stopping by the rant.


ps.  you'll shoot your eye out, you'll shoot your eye out.....