Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I remember

I usually get so caught up reading everyone else's entries and run out of time to do my own. But, along the way, I read so many great journals and they trigger ideas for me to "bring home".

Tonight was no exception. I enjoyed, among others, Robin, http://journals.aol.com/robinngabster/TheYellowBrickRoad/ and her most recent "I remember" entry. I immediately started down memory lane myself.

I remember ...

1.  My dad playing The Barbie Game with my sister and me one Christmas day.  We laughed so hard when he had to go to the prom with Poindexter and he acted sufficiently disgusted with his lousy luck.

2.  Homemade ice cream in the summer. For years it was the hand crank kind and later it was the oh-so-cool electric version.  Mom put towels on top and we kids took turns sitting on it to pack down the ice.  And, rock salt! 

3.  Vacations spending three days in the car to get to Mom-mom and Pop-pop's house. There was a drawer in the guest bedroom where my grandmother always put new toys for our visit.

4.  Pick-up sticks.

5.  Transistor radios.  Hidden under the pillow and then fall asleep with the music playing and the battery run down by morning.

6.  My Pink Lady bicycle that I pedaled to school every day since my mom did not drive for years and my dad traveled during the week. I really wanted a regular colored bike like my friends and I took a lot of kidding for my fancy-schmancy one.

7.  I loved Cocoa Krispies every school day morning with orange juice and toast. Fried eggs and bacon only on Saturday mornings. Oatmeal with brown sugar and raisins on Sundays.

8.  Sunday's roast, potatoes and carrots cooked in an iron dutch oven while we were at church. The smell that greeted us when we returned home was wonderful!!

9.  Praying at every meal.

10.  Playing the card game Pit.  Corner on the market!!!!

11.  The red baby doll pajamas I got when I had my tonsils removed.

12.  Peppermint lifesavers in the right hand drawer of my great grandfather's roll top desk.

13.  Rolling pennies with Pop-pop on vacation.

14.  The weekly Top Forty list the (only) radio station in town put out. I remember collecting them but cannot recall where we picked them up.

15.  Feeling sophisticated playing cribbage with my cousin.

16.  Picking beetles off the rose bushes in the backyard.

17.  The big wooden picnic table.

18.  The box of 64 Crayola crayons.  With a built in sharpener.  That was the coolest!!

19.  Mother sewing all our clothes.  The fights we had over the hems as I got older.

20.  Dippity Doo

21.  Wrapping toilet paper around my hair at night to keep the hair just right! I would wake up with a wad of tp on my pillow and curly bangs - again!!

22.  Pedal pushers.

23.  Care packages at camp.

24.  Picking blackberries ... and raspberries ... and strawberries.

25.  Honeysuckle in abundance.

What fun this was!  Living it and remembering it.



Anonymous said...

great memories thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Wow! You had a great childhood :-)


Anonymous said...

Nice!  I remember dippty doo as well...my Mom would use it.  I also remember her big hair dryer that would sit on the edge of the bed while she sat under it.

I used to suck on the salt rock while the ice cream was mixing.

Anonymous said...

Wow you had a fantastic childhood!!  Especially breakfasts!

I do remember walking to school and stopping at a honeysuckle plant with one of my friends every single day.  I grew up in California and those were everywhere!