Sunday, July 6, 2008

I did it!!

[Product Image] Nikon D60

I am now the proud owner of a Nikon D60 SLR with a 18-55 VR and 55-200mm lenses.  Bit of a jump from the WalMart disposables I have been using, huh? 

Big thanks to all of you who left comments or sent emails recommending a digital camera.  Your advice was excellent and it helped me know where to look in my quest.  I did a lot of research on line and then in store searching as well.  Everyone at the stores was very competitive when I told them what price I was prepared to pay and asked what could they do for me for that amount. One sales assistant said, "You found that price on line right? I will meet that price."  Nope, I want you to throw in more or beat the price.  She did not have the authority.  See ya.

So, ultimately, I got the best package deal with a free printer and classroom instruction at Wolf Camera. I took my first pictures that evening of fireworks and was sooo pleased with how they turned out. Now I just have to figure out how to get them from camera to computer.  Details, details.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like a dandy... congrats!!!  Some day I will get something like that..  