Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Selecting Shoes

Can you believe this collection of shoes?!  Let me say at the start these are not my shoes. I whipped out the new camera recently and took this picture in the home of a friend. But, I believe you can tell alot about the person from just this picture.  There were additional shoes in the closet - dress shoes, boots, work shoes, etc.  You get the picture. Leave me a comment describing the person who is the owner of this collection and I will then tell you "the rest of the story" and we will see who is closest to being correct.  And, so you know, the owner of the shoes will not see this journal entry or your comments.

Is this a ploy for comments?  Maybe, but mostly I was so shocked by the revelation of this rack of shoes I felt it was journal worthy!  And, it was a good way to start practicing the download from my new camera.  Of course, I think it may be getting old that I am always saying, "Wait!  Let me take a picture!!"


Anonymous said...

These are the shoes of an older woman...a grandma.  She likes to have fun and her fun colorful shoes make her happy.    She would probably be the type of person who would be a member of the Red Hat Society.  That's my guess either that or she couldn't decide on just one pair of lucky bingo playing shoes so she switches it up all the time hoping to hit the big BINGO at the moose lodge.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's alot of shoes...all different colors & kinds.  I'd say they belong to more than one person. If they do belong to just one person...I'd say they are really into shoes...BIG TIME !!  Linda in Washington state  

Anonymous said...

someone who likes to be prepared for anything and everything, no matter what they are wearing, they will have a shoe to match; and also someone who is incredibly organized; this will be interesting to read more about this person


Anonymous said...

Well I think these are the shoes of a very organized woman.  I want to say teenager because of the youngness of the styles, but teens are not organized unless they have that organization gene going on.  So I will say they belong to a twenty something woman or an older teenager.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I wish these were in my closet!  Since I am nowhere near a twenty-something, I would say they belong to a laid-back, fun-loving, highly functional individual who enoys casual comfort over stiff administrative-types.  Just seeing this pic makes me want to pick up a guitar and a joint and just chill awhile...

;-)  MeMeadow

Anonymous said...

They all look very new to me. I wonder why they aren't in the closet? Someone wants them seen for a reason. A lot of variety of gym shoes. Comfortable shoes. She is wearing one of them - there is a pair missing. Got me - it could be any woman for a variety of reasons. Someone young, but not likely. I admit, my first guess was soneone who suddenly found herself with sore feet and no other options but to wear tennies, but that would be called projection :-)
