Friday, August 1, 2008

Recovering my fashion sense

Some of you have asked me now and then how I am doing in my recovery from my car accident last November. I am happy to say that July was a red letter month for me. I have been in therapy for several weeks now for my ankle and three weeks ago I actually wore a pair of my regular dress shoes to church. That was a very big deal! I have been wearing pants all these months so that my shoe attire (i.e, cast, brace, walking boot, et al) was not as noticeable and to actually be able to get my foot in one of my "regular" shoes was a thrill.

Of course, I brought a spare pair of athletic shoes with me in case this adventure was too premature.  When the last Amen was spoken, I hobbled my way to the car and pried the right shoe off my misshapen foot. For the next couple of hours the distinct line of indention was visible.  But that was not before I made sure all my friends took notice of my returning fashion sense!  They were very happy for me and assured me that they could tell the swelling was going down. Yah, right!! 

It has been very discouraging to look at the shoes lining my closet that I cannot wear.  It makes me wince to even think of trying to put them on. Heels?  Perish the thought!!  Even the lowest of the low heels I have are a strain on my recovering extremity. Talk about your pain and suffering!!  Which, by the way, the insurance from the accident has still not been settled and I am convinced, if I decided to go to trial, I would hope the lawyer would fill the jury with fashionistas that could empathize with my loss of appropriate footwear. 

But beyond the pain I was willing to endure for a couple of hours at church by wearing shoes, it was nothing compared to the other agony I put myself through.  I wore pantyhose ... in Texas July.  What was I thinking??!  I wasn't. By the time I was safe back in my car in the parking lot, not only did I remove the shoes, I tried to delicately rid myself of that second layer of skin I had applied that morning.  I almost had a claustrophobic fit trying to free myself ot the twisting nylon (they are still made of nylon, correct?). While rocking back and forth in the car, trying to free myself from my prideful choices, various acquaintances passed and waved. 

Wiggle, wiggle.  Smile.  Wave at the brethren.  Tug, wiggle.  Smile, nod.  Rock, wiggle and wave. I believe I may have created a new dance step or perhaps an entry for the Kama Sutra.  

After that Sunday, I was brave enough to endure a pedicure and began wearing sandals. Life as I remember it is starting to return.

I went to the ankle surgeon on Wednesday this week and he indicated that, since I still have a considerable amount of swelling in spite of the therapy, perhaps I should consider a cortisone shot. I acted like I did not hear him. He talked a bit more, flexed my ankle and mentioned it again.  On the third mention I gave up and asked, "Do you think the ankle is shot worthy today or shall I wait until the next visit?" He thought it was a smart choice and I reluctantly agreed to the injection. The next five minutes are too painful to discuss but I am thrilled that by today, I could see the obvious protrusion of what I am sure is an ankle! 

And, while I am on the subject of ankles/feet/shoes, let me tell you more about the owner of that rack of colorful shoes in my previous entry. While some of you identified a single trait here and there, those shoes actually belong to a man in his mid-forties.  He is obsessed with footwear and he just loves Zappadas.  Can you tell he's a shopoholic?  And, very organized?  And, OCD? And, gay?  Yep.  That would be him. Some of those shoes have never been worn so, in my opinion, their presentation is something of an artistic decor statement. He has a unique style, loves primary colors for his decorating palette and Picasso styled artwork.  Are you surprised?

For another journal entry about my accident, visit


Anonymous said...

interesting with the man and the shoes; hardly anything surprises me these days, so no, I wasn't surprised, LOL

I didn't realize you had been in a car accident in November and was still recovering from your injuries; sounds like a long battle you have had and are still having with gaining back your function as well as dealing with insurance companies, etc. I'm glad the ankle is making slow but steady progress and you can do some of the former things you used to be able to do; ankle injury or not, I haven't been able to wear heels in years (got out of the habit and now its hard to get back into it); I admire you for wanting to continue to wear them :)

enjoy the day


Anonymous said...

Well I was way off!  If I had know  it was a man I would have known he was gay.  LOL.  Fun entry.

Anonymous said...

While I did notice that the shoes were not of a, uh, delicate size, I didn't suspect they belonged to a man :-)

After my foot surgery several years ago, I dispaired of ever wearing "real" shoes again. It took a few years, but I was, for a while, wearing heels off and on. Now I can try them on and look at them on my feet, but not much more than that. (Separate foot issue)

I hope yours continues to heal and eventually you will be able to wear them again!

Anonymous said...

I totally was going to pick a 46 yr old man, not going to specify gay, maybe just some tendancies towards. I was also going to add he is over 6 ft tall, red hair, glasses (very stylish kind) and he rides a bicycle (shorts, helmet the whole shebang). I'm pretty sure I know him!