Monday, August 25, 2008

The Alphabet Survey

I found this meme over at Dusty Pages.

A is for age:  50-mumble
B is for beer of choice:  None.  I have never liked beer.
C is for career right now:  Billing Manager.
D is for your dog's name: Sadie, my granddog
E is for essential item you use every day: Cell phone.
F is for favorite TV show at the moment:  Mad Men on AMC.
G is for favorite game: Pit with a large group or Rummikub if there aren't enough people to play Pit.
H is for hometown: Tyler, TX
I is for instruments you play: I once could play the piano and the clarinet.
J is for favorite juice: Grape
K is for whose butt you'd like to kick: The inconsiderate slobs I see throw trash out of their car windows!!
L is for last restaurant you ate at: Luby's
M is for marriage: A state where I once lived
N is for Number of Piercing's:  Two in each ear. 
O is for overnight hospital stay: Do they actually let you stay overnight any more? I'm going with the last time - 2003 for a heart procedure
P is for people you were with today:  The gang at work
Q is for what you do with your quiet time: Read, logic puzzles or play on the computer usually.
R is for biggest regret: I agree with several other people -- allowing myself to get out of shape.
S is for status:  Single and satisfied
T is for time you woke up today: 7:30 am
U is for what makes you unique: My sense of humor! Evidently I see humor in things that others do not.
V is for vegetable you love:  Brussel Sprouts
W is for worst habit: Dr. Pepper
X is for x-rays you've had: Just this year - ankle, knee, ankle, knee, ankle, knee.....
Y is for yummy food you ate today:  Salmon croquette
Z is for zodiac sign: Aries

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Anonymous said...

Very good~maybe I'll snag it and put it in my journal.  Linda in WA

Anonymous said...

Very cute!  I've heard a lot about that show Mad Men...I think I need to check it out.

Anonymous said...

I've enjoyed reading this survey in people's journals; years ago my husband hada job interview in Tyler; he didn't get the job, but he said he liked the area :)


Anonymous said...

Great answers... glad you did this!!  Thanks for stopping by my journal, good to meet you!!


Anonymous said...

Ah, a fellow Aries!
Great answers.  Glad you played along.