Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I don't get no respect!

I feel like Rodney Dangerfield tonight. If you are reading this entry, then it means you have a certain level of interest in journals and the internet so maybe you can relate.

I have been an active member of AOL since 1998 and have "been there - done that" in the last 10 years.  From the chat rooms to games to internet dating and ultimately blogging; I am not a novice. I ought to check and see when I initially signed up with AOL because I had the internet for my teens, long before I knew how to use it.

When my youngest child left for college I remember actively spending time online. That was back when callers got a busy signal if I was on the computer. But it helped with the Empty Nest Syndrome I was experiencing.

So, why does Sport (online name I have given my son) insist on acting as though anything I mention about my journal is make believe?  If I relate a story, he has a tendency to ask, "Is this something that happened in the real world or with one of your imaginary friends?" He thinks he is soooo funny.  He really gave me grief recently when I started to tell him about one of the journals in my sidebar, Waiter Rant, and how the guy who writes that blog actually turned it into a book and was interviewed by Matt Lauer.

Tender Heart (online name for my daughter) is much more understanding and even expresses some level of interest in my writing efforts.

I have always told them that I will try not to embarrass them online and so the best way to do that is to just avoid writing entries about them and the things they do I find interesting. I am beginning to rethink that position.  Maybe, if they become "more involved" in my journal, they will recognize just how real it is. Tee HeeWhat do you think?  


Anonymous said...

my husband is about the same way; I don't think he can grasp the concept you can be friends with someone you have never met in real life; he hasn't even seen my journal, LOL; asked him once if he wanted to see it and he said "no" so I didn't bring it up again. I do mention my friends from journals, but I always have to preface it with "my friend I know online" it would just be nice to say "my friend". However, I'm going to meet an online friend tomorrow in person, so that will make that one real, LOL

this time around, like I think I said before, I am being respectful of his/my son's privacy more than before; like you are doing with your kids

but my journal friends are some of my bestest buddies :)


Anonymous said...

until folks actually experience it I don't think they get it.

Anonymous said...

I get the same reaction from my family too.  "Real or pretend" friends.  LOL

Truthfully I like my daughter and husband not reading my journal...they might not always like what I write about them.  LOL

Anonymous said...

You mean I'm real???  I'm not an imaginary friend??
My family actually has gotten to "know" several of my J-Land friends and know who I'm talking about if I relate a story from so-and-so's journal.  And now my daughter has her own journal, so she's getting to know some of the gang, too.

Anonymous said...

I had that attitude from Paul(my other half) until I started recieving snail mail in the mailbox from these pretend friends. Kind of hard to question a friendship when you have something in your hand that states otherwise (winks)...I've had a few people exclaim I should write a book. In the event that ever happened I would have to edit out a 1/3 of my entries about things I've said about my daughter. She isn't a happy camper if she thinks I may of mentioned her online. What she doesn't know, won't hurt. (Hugs)Indigo