Sunday, August 17, 2008

Who sed it were wrong?

Today I finally remembered to look up something that has been passing through my mind for some time. Often when I am writing, I have been stumped about whether the proper use of the term was "use to" or "used to" and "suppose to" or "supposed to."  I thought I knew the answer but found out today, thanks to Grammar Slammer that I have been wrong.  Color me pink.

In this day of texting acronyms and a general acceptance of all things "laid back", I still try my best to use proper English and punctuation.  When I first went to college I actually thought that I wanted to major in English. Thanks to some advanced placement testing at the time I was able to test out of three semesters of college English so my very first class was second semester Sophomore English. I don't mean for this to come off as bragging.  My mother was a stickler for correct English and she drilled it into my head from an early age so I do not feel I can take much credit. By the time I went off to college, it came as second nature to me.   

On my very first day of college level English, sitting on the front row, I actually fell asleep in the class and knew right then and there I would never make it as an English major. I never did enjoy that class and since it was the last English class I was required to take, it was the last one I ever took.

I am grateful that if I want to know something, the Internet has the answers and generally it is free.  Sometimes it is just a challenge to know how to look up the question.



Anonymous said...

cute entry; I try to use proper English, trouble is with my work as a medical transcriptionist, sometimes I have to type exactly what the doctors say without correcting their poor grammar and it is easy to slip into their patterns of talking; and then of course there's all that shorthand out there for texting and email; LOL, BRB, WTG, etc; must drive English teachers crazy to try to teach it these days


Anonymous said...

Some days I seriously ponder, what happened to my ever so proper English...It is however one of those things that gets me going when people try to cheat there way through writing. Sentences are becoming shorter and speaking clearly, is to be considered from another dimension altogether. As far as grammar is concerned? I definitely fail to use it properly. Then again at least I try (winks)...(Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't that be "I wish I were stronger in English?"

