Friday, August 22, 2008

But should they be on my Christmas list?

I am enjoying another day off from work and have spent some time catching up on new journal entries.  There are so many journals out there and I try to only spend my time on ones that do not bore me. If my in box gets too full with entries I am not reading, I make some quick adjustments to my Alert list and move on. But, do not be mistaken!  If I am not making comments on your journal, it is not necessarily because I no longer read it, but rather I have been trying to spend more time writing in my own journals.

I heard a writer talking about internet addiction on NPR (National Public Radio) recently and she was of the opinion that one should limit their time online to two hours a day.  That sounded reasonable to me but that evening I looked up and had already been online for almost three hours and was not ready to stop. Yikes!

A quick calculation put me in dangerous territory but I immediately found myself rationalizing.  Here are some ways I justify the time I am logged into the vast world wide web:

1. I frequently multi-task and watch television at the same time.  Wouldn't that automatically deduct 50% of my internet time?

2. I use the internet as one of my major news sources for national and international events.

3.  Since I am single I rationalize that I am not taking time away from my family with my internet activities. If I get a call when I am in the middle of posting a journal entry I immediately stop typing.  If you think you have heard the clacking of the keyboard while talking with me, I am certain you were mistaken!   

4.  Spending time online keeps me out of the mall and saves me money. Okay, so there is online shopping and Craig's List and ebay ... but I digress.

5.  I do not own Encyclopedia Britannica and thus, the internet is a source of educational material for me as well. How else would I have learned that MENSA is for the top 2% of the world's intelligent people.  (I have an acquaintance who claims to be a member of this elite organization.)

6.  It is my own personal Physician's Assistant and more than once I have self diagnosed and saved a trip to the doctor.

7.  If it weren't for the maps I can view online, I would spend far more time being lost.  And, that would waste gas and increase my carbon footprint.

8. The time I spend online makes me a better conversationalist with friends and coworkers. Thanks to TMZ and and AOL Entertainment I can discuss Reese and Jake, John and Jen, Prince William and what's her name, Amy Winehouse, Britney, Paris, Brangelina, ad naseum. But do we really care??

9.  I am reconnecting with friends I have not communicated with in decades thanks to the social site, Facebook. I thought it was just for college kids but both of my grown kiddos insisted I had to create an account and sure enough, I am having a blast.

So, when it comes down to it, I should be "wired" as much as possible. That's my story and I am sticking to it.

Are you willing to admit how much time you spend online?



Anonymous said...

Since I've retired~too much!  But I agree with all of your 9 points of rationalization. I even have my computer back in the corner of the living room so I can see the TV from where I'm sitting. And I'm cooking meals, doing laundry, folding the clothes & putting them away, pushing the vacuum cleaner around, feeding the cat, changing her litter box, taking out the trash, paying bills, working in the yard, taking my grand kids where they need to go, when they need to go, grocery shopping, etc.~so what if I spend too much time on line? Nothing is being neglected.  That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. Linda in Washington  

Anonymous said...

too much time online for me, LOL; I tried to limit it to 2 hours, but I'm probably closer to 4 hours scattered throughout the day

I do have my priorities though; family first so if hubby wants to watch a movie with me, I'll do that; will carry on conversations with him/son if they want to but if they are watching TV, they can't multi-task LOL so I go online; and I make sure all my work is done, housework, etc before computer time

good entry!


Anonymous said...

I agree perhaps too much time. Then again since I'm deaf it's my primary contact with others. Each email serves almost like a phone call someone may of made to me. Then their is the little fact with meeting some of these friends online, I have gotten a much more diverse life. I'm friends with people from across the globe and nationalities. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

I watch no television at all, so my computer is my entertainment source at home, plus like you, I like to look things up because I have an intenselycurious mind.

You have at least one more acquaintance who belongs to Mensa.

Anonymous said...

I wake up in the morning.........make my coffee and then go directly to my computer..............I'm online for hours and hours.

Yes, I agree.  I must be saving money by staying away from the Malls.

Hugs, Rose

Anonymous said...

I love this list.... especially the part where I 'don't' hear you on the keyboard... sorry, my mistake!!!  LOL!!
