Sunday, August 31, 2008

Inspired by stuff on my shoe

Just a little ditty I wrote today.  I am calling it

Ode to My Neighbors

Don't drop your gum where I'm likely to step.

Don't let your dog soil my yard.

Don't set out trash on the wrong day of week.

"Love thy neighbor" is getting so hard.

Don't park your car so it's blocking my drive.

Slow down when children are out.

Take care of your pets; they're not ours to raise.

Don't feel you always must shout.

Loud parties outside when you know it's late

Would test the patience of Job.

When retrieving your daily newspaper

We beg you, "Put on a robe!"

Don't act like you do not know better.

Your place just shouts of neglect.

"Home Sweet Home" is a phrase that is fading.

It's all about showing respect.


Original poem by Donna, aka Dust Bunny Protector. If you use it, please credit the writer and link to this site. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

LOL I don't have these problems now but have in the past! Dannelle

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what a cute little poem!!! so far I think we are the noisiest neighbors in our "hood" especially when the corgi starts a'barkin

enjoy your weekend!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my journal :o)

I like your on-line names for your kids.

Anonymous said...

do parent's (some)...even teach respect anymore?   nice entry

Anonymous said...

I love this!  And it tells us so much about your neighbors! :)

Anonymous said...

You could etch it into their foreheads and it wouldn't do any good!
