Monday, September 1, 2008

What's in the water?!

I just took a little cruise around the ol' internet and then read some of my alerts.  What is going on? Everybody seems to have a burr under their saddle today. I'm not surprised when Jon (Lone Star Concerto) is stirred about something. It wouldn't be Jon if he were calm and passive. But today, even Sonya (My Southern Home) was bent out of shape and Sonya always stays calm!  The next four entries I read were assorted grumblings about one thing or another.  The neighbor's dogs are always barking.  The critters ate the tops off my flowers.  Why are reporters in New Orleans when there was an evacuation?  What about those Democrats? What's up with those Republicans?  And, so it goes.

Don't get me wrong.  It is just a coincidence that the first few journals I read today were rants and everyone is entitled to vent.  But the rant that put the candle on the cow paddy was P Diddy's rant about having to fly commercial because he can't afford to put gas in his private jet! 

Of all the asinine examples of someone who believes his own hype!  Spoiler Alert: Diddy filmed himself as he was preparing to fly on American Airlines. He says he has been having to fly back and forth to LA pursuing his acting career twice a month and if he takes his private jet "that's like $250K round trip!"  He then gave a shout out to all his "Saudi Arabian brothers and sisters."  He wanted to name other brothers but ended up saying, "All my brothers and sisters from, umm, all the countries that have oil.  If ya'll'd send me some oil for my jet I surely would appreciate it."  "Can you believe it?!" he asks.  "This is really happenin'!!  Can you believe it? Even your boy is flying commercial.  And, I'm in coach!!

Forget helping those affected by Gustav.  Forget watching the conventions.  I feel a Diddython coming on!!


Anonymous said...

LOL; seems like some days are like that in J-Land, and its not even a full moon; I for one had a great day and I'm contemplating an entry in my head; haven't finalized it yet, but it won't be a rant and I don't think it will even include a picture of Koda :)


Anonymous said...

He is paying himself? The studio isn't flying him back and forth in style? He must be quite the actor, lol!