Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Do I know how to pick 'em or what?

I want to point you in the direction of Stephen Stephen is what I aspire to be - a blogger who made it big!  When I first started my journal, I read a lot of other journals for inspiration and entertainment. I found Stephen's Waiter Rant and added him to my sidebar.  His old entries in 2004, 2005, et al are the basis of his recently published book by the same name.  Stephen was a waiter when I started my journal but not any more.  I was sooo excited when I saw his book featured, among other places, on page 50 of People Magazine's Aug 18 issue.  The special double issue with Brad and Angelina and the twins on the cover. How cool is that??

Just think about it. How would you feel if you wrote something that was so well received it was featured in magazines, television (he was interviewed by Matt Lauer) and on the best sellers list? Stephen's book has been on the NYTimes Best Sellers list for a month now. Hardcover Nonfiction

Do I know how to pick 'em or what?! 

I wonder who in my sidebar is next.


Anonymous said...

How cool that you were associated with a blogger who made it big :o)

Anonymous said...

very cool....   I know of a few folks here in JLand that could write a great book.

Anonymous said...

how awesome!! I went over to his blog and read a few entries; I want to check out getting his book; I bet it is a good read!!! you do know how to pick them for sure :)

hope your week goes well :)


Anonymous said...

Congrats on being guest editor pick :o)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being Guest Editor! I'll look forward to checking your picks!

Would you consider putting ME on your sidebar? LOL It sounds like you're good luck! That's wonderful that his book is doing so well.

All my best,

Anonymous said...

Hi, Donna, congrats on being chosen Guest Editor!  Just wondering, how did you find Stephen's blog?  just wondering where people find blogs that are not AOL blogs.  Congrats again.

Krissy :)

Anonymous said...

Very awesome!  I'll check him out.

Anonymous said...

I sent Kristina a separate response but in case anyone else is wondering....  If you are in any blogspot journal, there is a neat feature at the top of the screen that offers "Next Blog".  I use to click on it and keep going until I found a blog in English that looked interesting.  You can find several blogspot journals in my sidebar to get you started.  Also, I have a link in my sidebar about how to look at blogs from JournalSpace.  Lots of good stuff out there.

Have fun.
