Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I feel like a scene out of Fiddler on the Roof

It wasn't much but it was home...

I am in shock about AOL closing up our journal world.  But, why does it not surprise me that they tell us using that stupid banner!  That is just another example of how out of touch they are with their customers. 

Remember the scene from Fiddler on the Roof when the towns people were forced out of their homes so abruptly?  That is how I feel but believe me, I will not be like the mom in that scene.  When I shut the door, I am leaving the mess on the floor.  No last minute sweeping for me. 

I will get over this and hope to keep in touch with as many ofyou as possible.  I am writing down as many email addresses as possible and invite you to come over to my new home



Leave a link to your new home.  I will come visit.




Anonymous said...

I'm just as upset as you are..........I couldn't believe it when I opened up an email from a Journal from Canada and the person said she did not know if this affected the U.S.  

Oh my...........I have been on the computer all day long.  

Val said you cannot have the same name on the new site but I already a have a roses are read site there because I started there and did not like it that is when I discovered AOL Journals and have been there for almost a year now.

I can't add my graphics like I did at AOL..........I'm so disappointed.

Hugs, Rose

Anonymous said...

I clicked your link to blogger, but have no way to "follow" you.  If you go to layout and edit the "follower" block, we may be able to correct that.  Glad you are going to contiinue in the new forum :o)

Anonymous said...

Here is a link to my new blogger journal:


Anonymous said...

I will be at blogger with the same name. I do not intend my old stuff to be attached to the new - I will move it to another name for my reference.


Anonymous said...

I agree totally: this sucks. :( I've been journaling a little over 5 years now and even though at times I don't post and comment as much as I should, you ALL are my family/friends. I'm trying to make the very best of this I can.
Vish from Majic Smoke and others from AOL (minus the "powers that be" that made this assnine decision---excuse my French) are really trying to help. Vish did say that they are working on instructions on how we can transfer ALL of our entries into our "new" Blogger journals/blogs. So I'm keeping my eyes peeled and watching the 2 journals for instructions and updates.

I am adding your new Blogger journal to my new Blogger journal if that's ok? Here is the address: http://unfussy.blogspot.com/

I'm going to keep posting on my AOL journal until the very end.....LOL. But I will also post a few entries here and there on Blogger too. I'm mostly trying to "learn" Blogger and to my surprise, it's not that bad.

Take good care :)
Big Huggers,

Anonymous said...

Hello Again~
I forgot to tell ya' that my Blogger name is VegasGal and I couldn't change it....darnit. But you will see my photo and know it's me...LOL
