Monday, September 29, 2008

Introducing: Miss L

This past Friday was a red letter day for me.  My granddaughter, Miss L, actually spent the night at my house.  This was a first.  She is 14 months old and up until now, I have done all my babysitting at her place.  I had agreed to watch her while her parents went out and they were planning to pick her up before they headed home.  Logistically it was just going to be too many miles going in too many directions so I asked if we could make it a sleep over.  I picked her up and then drove her to my place.   

What fun we had!  I had placed two stuffed animals on one of my chairs and maybe it was because they were at eye-level, or maybe because she is just so smart, Miss L made a beeline for the toys.  She recognized the fun stuff right away. 

Miss L is getting to the stage where she says a lot of things but mostly jabbers and you listen for any word you can pick out.  You can tell she is telling you something because she will say the same "words" over and over and I just wish I could translate.  She will repeat most of the words you ask her to say (which has put me on my best behavior when she rides in the car with me!) and gives a good effort to multiple syllables like "butterfly."  My son in law is a big Cowboys fan and has taught Miss L to say, "Go, Romo!"  I have been working with her on "Trick or Treat" and hope to surprise her mommy and daddy by the end of October.  It is like having your own Mina bird that hugs and kisses.

Saturday morning when she finally woke up, I stood around the corner, out of view for a few seconds.  Jabber, jabber, jabber, Nana, jabber.  When she looked up and saw me she started to grin and melted my heart with a big, "Nana!"  Whata sweetie!

I have started the "anything you want" fund.  I think it will come in handy.


Anonymous said...

    What a beautiful little girl!  I'm not sure if I visited you before, I don't think so. I came here because you've been visiting with me and I very much enjoy your comments. I have you on my alerts now and will be picking up your entries as they are posted. Again, your Little Miss L. is adorable!

Anonymous said...

she's so cute!!! I love her blue eyes!! so glad she and you had a wonderful time at her sleepover! I hope this is the start of many more of them in the days and months to come; that special time with her Nana :)


Anonymous said...

Look at those beautiful blue eyes!  What a treasure to have a lovely grand child.

Hugs, Rose

Anonymous said...

I love the "anything you want fund" <LOL>

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are going to need an anything you want fund for that one, lol! She is adorable! I don't need to ask if you are proud!