Monday, September 8, 2008

Learning something new every day

noel3.gif Now this is a blast from the past. 

I was actually searching online for a picture of McCain and Palin to add to my side bar.  No, I did not find this picture of Superman and Lois Lane in my search although that would have been funny.  I started searching for images of Bear Collector and this picture was one of my choices.  Go figure.

I have been actively using the internet for over 10 years and today was the very first time I used the MicroSoft "image" feature when searching the web.  I feel smart and dumb at the same time.

So now I am curious as to where these images come from and do I need to be concerned with the small print at the bottom that says "Images are scaled down and may be copyrighted."  How would I be able to tell if I am guilty of copyright infringement?  This Dust Bunny Protector does not look good in horizontal stripes.




Anonymous said...

LOL; I have no idea if they are safe to use; but if you end up in jail, we'll come and visit you and bring a cake :)

(I'm clueless who you could even ask about this)


Anonymous said...

Hi Donna, I've just been writing about copyright infringement myself! It's kind of interesting, because we all snag pictures off the Web!

Usually, if I see something to the effect of "Copyright So-and-so," I won't use a picture. Sometimes they'll be more explicit and say "Do not use without permission." Then I definitely don't use it! But so many of these pics are just out there on the Web with no photographer listed, so I'll use those. Oh, and if it's a news photo, the photographer is usually listed, and I'll add text to the picture listing the photog's name.

I think most of us are using these for our journals, and "entertainment purposes only." If we were selling them or using them in some commercial way, that might be a different story.

I'm no expert, believe me, but from what I've read, you don't need to worry about going to jail. :)


Anonymous said...

I'll just say refer to Beth's comment below (winks)...I do know if you use a picture to make money, advertisement or sale...even when it doesn't say it's copyright infringement. Our journals are used for entertainment purposes only and most don't have a problem with that one.

However if I were to use my material for a book, I would have to use my words without the graphics...I'm sure by now your getting the picture (humor intact)...(Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

loved your guest editor entry....

always fun to vist the DBP...i am making designer cat hair dust bunnies if you want to get in on the market before it blows up, blows over, and goes the way of the dot com...


Anonymous said...

I use the google image search, never used the MS one. I don't know about copyright infringement, but you can look that up, too!