Monday, September 15, 2008

The Airport - the best laid plans

What a great time I have been having these past few days with my son in Denver. I will post entries with my pictures as soon as I figure out how to download them!  We were all over Colorado and logged over 500 miles in his 4 x 4.  Oh, my aching butt!

In spite of my procrastination the night before I was to leave, I was packed and ready to go in plenty of time.  Rather than worry with parking and transportation, I arranged for a shuttle pick-up. I was calm and relaxed ... I had made my list and checked it twice. All I needed to do was check-in and read my book.

The shuttle service sent a cab for me and as we were sailing along I decided to go ahead and get my money ready to pay since I had already been quoted the trip price. I was just sick to realize I had not put my wallet in my travel bag! 

If I had been in the regular shuttle with other passengers I would have been out of luck but since it was just me in the cab the driver turned around, drove back and I retrieved the wallet. I got to pay for that extra round-trip excursion but it could have been so much worse.  I could have been at the airport when I realized my mistake and there would never have been enough time to go back. Whew!!!


At the Denver airport I saw something very interesting.  One of those little transportation carts was coming through the terminal. I noticed the passengers were older but what caught my attention was the fact that this cart was receiving what looked like an official escort. There was a uniformed policeman walking in front and another one in back and surrounding the cart were four members of the various armed services in full uniform, all walking along with this cart.

The transportation cart I was riding stopped, the way traffic (used to) pull over for funeral possessions. I asked the driver of my cart what was happening.  I learned that Denver was hosting the The Congressional Medal of Honor Society annual convention. There are only 100 living recipients of the Medal of Honor (as of 9/10/08) and as each one arrived at the airport, they were receiving this special honor guard escort.  Very cool. My driver said she had gotten to transport two gentlemen so far and the younger members of the military chosen to be escorts were really moved to be part of the process.

I read up on the convention and learned that Carrie Underwood is singing as well as Randy Travis and Lady Antebellum.  Later this week, Clint Eastwood is being presented with a special award. A lot of this is open to the public.  Wished I had known and I might have stayed longer!


Anonymous said...

sounds like such a neat thing for the recipients of the Medal of Honor to get that special transport!! glad you got to see it and report on it!!

I'm so happy you are enjoying your son and Colorado! it is such a pretty state!! I can't wait to see your pictures!!!

and so thankful you discovered your wallet sooner than later :)



Anonymous said...

What a wonderful thing to do for the veterans :o)

Anonymous said...

Cool!  Way back in the begining of my husbands military career he was a part of the Honor Guard and said it was one of the best things he ever did.

Anonymous said...

Those guys deserve some special recognition.