Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What an awesome mom!

I just read about Stephanie Nielson, a young mother, who was critically injured in a private plane crash, along with her husband.  She was a blogger and her blogging community has rallied around the family and already raised $2 million toward her medical costs and the needs of her four children. 

From just the few minutes I spent reading her blog entries, I could tell what an exceptional person she is.  So creative.  So dedicated to her family. So in love with her husband. What an inspiration!  I have loaded her website in my side bar, The NieNie Dialogues and here is the MSNBC story about her.   


Anonymous said...

that is awesome!!! wow, the power behind the blogging community!! I marked her blog to look at it later; I saw a few posts; looks like a very interesting blog for sure!!


Anonymous said...

That is truly incredible!