Monday, September 15, 2008

Room with a View



Even though this is actually a stock photo from the internet, it is alot like the one I took looking out my son's living room window.  Sport has got the coolest condo.  He's 17 floors up and at the end of the building so his living room has full length windows on two sides overlooking the skyline. His home office also looks out on the city and his master bedroom has a view of the mountains. No wonder we can't talk him into moving back to Dallas.


Anonymous said...

that is a view for sure!

Anonymous said...

That is a great picture.  I don't blame him either for not wanting to move back.  I found out through visiting mt son inn Dallas , IT IS HOT!!!  Lucille4364

Anonymous said...

I love the view! I don't think I would ever get tired of looking out there; imagine the sunsets he must seen and imagine the storms he must see! I know when we were in Colorado Springs visiting, they had the best thunder and lightening storms; I would imagine Denver is the same! I think it would be awesome to be 17 stories high, looking out at lightening filling the sky with flashes and color

nope, I don't see Dallas back in his forecast with a view like this :)

thank you for your kind words in my journal; that was toooo sweet of you :)

enjoy the day and the visit and the exploring you will be doing today :)


Anonymous said...

Wonderful view.  So glad you had a great visit and tour :o)

Anonymous said...

You can't blame him for wanting to stay there, can you?

Anonymous said...

Those views would be very hard to give up!