Sunday, September 28, 2008

Grateful to someone I don't know

As I mentioned in a previous entry, when I went to the air balloon festival last weekend, I thought my camera was charged enough but, just as the majority of the balloons were lifting off, my battery died and I was not able to capture some of what I thought would be the best shots.

I looked around as we were leaving and saw some folks with cameras much like mine. I pulled out something to write on and jotted down my email address. I approached two different people and told them of my situation and asked if they would mind emailing me some of the last shots that I had missed.  They agreed and one of the people came through.  Yeah!  Not sure if it was the lady by herself or the couple where both were taking pictures with their own camera.  Either way, I am very happy to get shots that I missed. 

I am sharing this entry with them and I am so glad that they were kind enough to help me out when they did not know me from Adam/Eve.  Just the simple kindness of strangers.

I love the composition of their shots. 


Anonymous said...

awww now that was so nice of them...  the shots are great!

Anonymous said...

Aren't some people wonderful!

Great photos.

Hugs, Rose

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, love all the colors.

Anonymous said...

that is so neat that someone followed through on their words!! great pictures!!!

have a good day ;)


Anonymous said...

So glad that you were able to get the shots.  What a nice gesture from those people :o)

Anonymous said...

Ahh, the kindness of strangers.  Warms your heart and gives hope for all mankind.

Anonymous said...

     That was very sweet of whomever it was. These shots are wonderful.

Anonymous said...

It's going to take a lot to pay that one forward, lol!