Friday, September 19, 2008

Doing the Daughter Thing

I barely got back from Denver, did a little laundry and found myself on the road again.  This time I headed to East Texas to spend time with my parents.  My dad, who recently turned 80, learned he needed a pacemaker. While it is a routine procedure these days, I do not consider putting lead wires into my dad's heart a casual event.  I was glad to be back from my trip in time so I could be there with him and my mom.

My dad is "Mr. Personality" and has been in sales all of my life. He doesn't meet a stranger and loves to strike up conversations when given the opportunity.  At the hospital was no different.  (I wrote a recent journal entry about Daddy turning 80.) 

I brought my camera to show my parents the recent shots I had taken of my trip and also the latest and greatest of Miss L, my granddaughter.  So naturally, I looked for a photo-op there at the hospital. And, I found one.

Daddy was given the option of whether or not he wanted to be put to sleep for the procedure and since he is "a tough old bird" he decided he would rather be awake. Everything went well and he was back in his room by 2 PM, hungry as a horse and threatening anyone who came near his chocolate pudding.   

(That's betadine all over his arm, not his natural shade of yellow!) When they got him up to go to the bathroom Daddy took that opportunity to go visit someone he knew down the hall.  Mom finally went looking for him. "Where is your dad?!"

The doctor wanted to keep Daddy overnight for observation so once he was up and about, Mom and I left him with his book and in the care of the nurses.  We enjoyed a nice visit over Bodacious Barbeque (one of my favorites!) The next morning we brought Daddy home with only a sore arm and instructions he was not, according to him, to help with dishes, set or clear the table or lift anything heavier than the remote for two weeks.  Yeah, right! 

Actually, the yard was in a mess from the remnants of Hurricane Ike that made its way to their backyard and that was on his mind.  Nothing major but lots of little broken limbs and plenty of leaves. Fortunately they hired someone else to come do the yard.

During his time in the recovery area, dressed only the hospital gown, it did not stop him from visiting! 

One last shot when I said, "Look pitiful, Daddy."  He's a hoot!



Anonymous said...

Well if I was in the hospital I would love for a tough old bird like him to make friends with me.  What a guy...he sounds a lot like my Dad.  Hope he is on the mend now.

Anonymous said...

So glad that things worked out in a positive way.  He is a great old bird. :o)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for stopping by my journal and leaving a comment.  I want to return the favor.  From the pictures, I can tell your dad is Mr. Personality.  He has personality coming out of his pores!  LOL

Also, loved your pictures of Colorado.  One of my favorite places, too.  I was born in Laramie, WY just 2 hours north of Denver and I have a lot of family in the Denver/Littleton area.  The pictures made me long for another trip to see them.


Anonymous said...

Wow...........Daddy is very strong not to be put to sleep for such a procedure!

I'm relieved for you and the entire family that it is over.

I will keep your Dad in my prayers for a full recovery and home soon.

Hugs, Rose

Anonymous said...

hoping he makes a speedy recovery!!! he looks like he always has a great time with what he decides to do and tries to have a great time even in not the best of situations!


Anonymous said...

Even in his pitiful look he looks like he is going to burst out laughing!