Thursday, September 11, 2008

Joining the 21st century

happy-dance.jpgI am leaving on vacation in the morning and should be finishing my packing but what am I doing?  I am going up and down my alerts reading entries and watching tv but at least I am doing some laundry.  I have been soooo excited for two days now, I can hardly contain myself. 

I have purposely not had cable television for the last three years.  I had an older television that I hooked to some rabbit ears and have made myself content with four channels.  It was particularly difficult during the writer's strike but I caught up on a lot of movies during that time and I read a few more books than I would have normally. 

I go through stages like this where I just decide I am going to do without something and I dig my heels in.  I cut off my personal internet for over two years and survived.

Well, two days ago I went hog wild.  I upgraded my internet connection to top speed and had cable put in with all the channels on two televisions.  I can now record 8 shows at once!  But what am I going to do with over 20 sports channels?  Now, don't hate me 'cause I have "connections"! 

I looked around for a long time for what I really wanted and did some bargain hunting as well.  Then, when I was working my way through the maze of options on the phone with the salesperson (over an hour), we suddenly got cut off.  He was having some trouble with his computer and had me on hold while he worked with the help desk. I just sat there and looked at my phone in stunned silence.  He did not call back.  When I called back I got the recording that the office had closed for the day.  Fine!  Guess they did not want my business after all.  When they did call back the following afternoon I ignored them.  They were trying to set up my installation.  Guess again!  After five days I answered their call.  I let them know that I had since decided that maybe Iwas not getting the best deal afterall and now I was shopping around. 

When all was said and done I got another forty dollars a month knocked off.  I may never leave the house again!  Oh, yeah ... there is that trip to Denver tomorrow. 

When I return I am going to find out all about PhotoShop.  Or is it PSP?  Or are they one and the same?  I have much to learn! Help!




Anonymous said...

It's a good thing you got cable because February you're TV would have gone blank. Those rabbit ears will be collectors items soon~hang on to them.  I would hate or ignore all those sports channels.  I don't watch any of them.  I hope you have channels like A & E, The History Channel, Lifetime, The Hallmark Channel and then there's QVC!  Congratulations on spreading your're going to have a great winter, watching all those great cable channels. Linda in WA

Anonymous said...

have a great trip to Denver!! I bet you are excited to see your son!!!!!! safe travels!!

cute entry; I think you'll like the new Internet at top speed and your cable; the hardest thing for me was trying to figure out the remote; its complicated at least ours is; and all the choices available!! lots of fun waiting for you

I think PhotoShop and PSP are the same things; I'm not 100% sure; but if you get into tags/graphics, I can't wait to see your work; I bet it will be gorgeous!



Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great vacation.  Glad you are now "connected" :o)

Anonymous said...

donna when i got my high speed cable modem and all my cable channels, i watched the weather channel like 24-7 for like a week...put your feet up and enjoy after your trip!  think of it this way, cable will ensure the long life of all the dust bunnies and their future generations!  you are saving an entire ecosystem by watching tv instead of cleaning!!!


Anonymous said...

Alaina - I like the way you think!!

Anonymous said...

Are you back? I am a little behind. I hope you are having/had a great trip! PhotoShop isn't too hard, but I don't know anything about PSP.