Wednesday, August 13, 2008

AOL Journals - 5 years and counting

 AOL Journals is now 5 years old.  I started my first AOL Journal 8/5/05 but due to a variety of issues, I have only been active for the equivalent of one year. When I stopped writing in 2006 I had a pretty steady readership and was part of a very active group of JLanders. Now that I have started up again in 2008 I have found it very different but still sense the camaraderie that was the backbone of our journal community all along.

I have searched for my "old" friends and have found many of them. Some stopped old journals and started new ones. Others have gone Private.  Some have stopped writing altogether like I did but I hope they get going again - like I did. Sometimes it just takes a break to give you renewed energy.

And, I have found still more JLand friends on blogs outside the AOL community. The unwanted addition of advertisements on our journals and the dismissive attitude of AOL execs to the collective outcry caused a mass exodus of many back then.  I am pleased that you can now be part of the AOL community free of charge and I'd like to think that was the price AOL paid for not recognizing the loyalty and importance of the AOL Journalers

Back in 2005 I was fortunate to actually meet with several JLanders who lived within a few miles of me. We had sucha great time getting to know one another and it was a blast putting names with faces. Time will not take away those great memories. Check out my old entries (Nov 2005) of pictures of our first luncheon.

Also, during that time there was the annual Journal equivalent of the Oscars.  It was called the VIVIs and we had a virtual VIVI Awards Show via two very large chat rooms. What fun we had that night!!! It was a lot of work for the organizers but it drew us all together in a way no other activity had done to that point. I have seen a few logos in various journals so I hope that is an activity that continues, regardless of the name.

Fast forward to 2008.  I see the improvements with the interactive events on Magic Smoke which promotes journal community bonding. I see a lot of new writers and quite a few old ones. Writing a journal is not always easy. It can be a challenge to be original if that is your aim. Or, funny.  Or, creative. Or, stick with your theme. Or sometimes, even be coherent!  Bravo to the writers who have been consistent in adding entries.  My hat's off to you.

Thanks to those of you who read my journal. I truly appreciate your comments and feedback. I know that I should leave more comments but sometimes I just have such limited time to spend online that I read your entries and move on. 

This journal is a source of pleasure for me and I hope you find your journal is for you as well.


Anonymous said...

I ended mine because of a weird guy who contacted me because of my journal.  Gone back to myspace for the timebeing.  congrats on 5 years!!!

Anonymous said...

neat entry; nice to take the time to put into a timeline journals and what they mean to us who keep one and follow several

I think a break is always good from journaling, LOL; been known to take a few myself

I have learned this time around to be more selective what I write and what I share and to keep it more private; no pictures of the family and not naming lots of names of loved ones


Anonymous said...

I have been around from almost the beginning. I had a second, private journal that I shared with just a few, but it's closed down for a while. I don't think I will ever leave to write some place else, but sometimes I take a break for a few weeks. I am glad you are back!


Anonymous said...

congratulations on your anniversary!!  woo hoo!  this was a great entry, your reflections, expectations (or lack thereof...) and all.  very encouraging to us "newbies".  thanks!  xoxo MeMeadow

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

great entry... I think we all need to step back..  but something about this community brings us back.

Anonymous said...

  This is the picture I accidentally ran across last Spring that caught my eye.  I was looking for an old friend from college days (Austin, TX)  that could almost pass as an identical twin for the person in the back row looking over the shoulders of two of the persons in the front row.  Her name was Donna also.  Alumni records at the college have lost track of her and I had amost given up the search when I came across this picture.  I just thought it would be neat to say hi after all these years if it was you.  
              Thanks for reading.    Barry

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Barry.  That is Julie in the back row.  I'm the gal on the right in the leopard print blouse.
