Monday, August 29, 2005

Answering the questions posed to me: The Game

Okay.   It is now my turn to answer the questions you posed.  Thanks for being so kind.  You caused me to do a lot of thinking but nothing too difficult. 

Tricia at luckysaysso83 asks:

1.  I know you're married. Do you have children and if so how many?  Actually, I am divorced - twice.  Been divorced now for four years.  I have two wonderful children.  A married daughter, 27 and a single son, 25. 

2 How did you get started journaling and when? 
I just started this journal a month ago.   Why?  Because I love to read and write and, I guess, because I am a frustrated comedienne-wannabe.

3 What is something you hope to accomplish during your life that you have not done yet?  In a recent entry I listed a ton of things I want to do (including kiss John Travolta), but realistically, I am looking forward to sharing stories with my grandchildren

Lizzzza at philadlfiagrl poses these questions:

1)  how much do u hate men by now??????????????? lol( that should be posed to me)  Luckily, two bad apples did not spoil the barrel for me.  I love da men and hope someday to find a wonderful man and grow old together. 

2)  how long have u lived alone? or do any of ur kids still live there? 
I have been living on my own for five years. (And, that is not in conflict with the first question posed by Tricia. **wink**)  Both of my kids and I live in a large metropolitan city so we get to see each other a lot.

3)  where was ur most favorite place to visit in the US and why?  There are so many places I love but I believe my favorite for beauty and nature would be Durango, CO.  For excitement it would be New York City.  I love the theater.

Terra from terra19728 asked me:

1.  What is your favorite song??  For someone with hundreds of CDs (and tons of dusty albums), this is a tough question!!  I am still a softie for John Denver's, Annie's Song.  As far as current songs, I would go with Kellie Clarkson's, Since You've Been Gone.

2.  Who inspires you and why? 
My dad.  He is 77 and is still learning new things like the computer.  He is also still working and he's my role model for being optimistic.

3.  What is your favorite sound and why? 
Ocean waves. They remind me of when I was a kid and my family spent time at the beach each summer. 


Anonymous said...

Since youve been gone rocks! Love that song too! Thanks for answering my questions! : ) You have good taste in music! ;)

Anonymous said...

Great questions and wonderful answers. A lot of insight can be found from these question and answer sessions. Take care and can't wait to see wrap around text :o)

Anonymous said...

I have wanted to kiss John Travolta since I was a kid, that man still turns me on, lol.  I thought I was the only one.  His walk and that sexy chin, yikes!!


Anonymous said...

hey donna,

i got another question for you (be kind to me)

WOULD U EVER CONSIDER SETTING UP UR SINGLE SON with a woman TEN years OLDER than him? ???? ok ok, 11 yrs older....? lol


Anonymous said...

Hey, Liza:  Ya never know!  Actually, he has NEVER allowed me to set him up which has been his loss cause he has missed out on some gorgeous gals who were sweeties.  He's going to be a great catch for some lucky girl - he's a hottie. LOL
Signed:  His Mom