Wednesday, August 17, 2005

High Anxiety


I am waiting to hear back on a new job that I very much want.  My nerves are in a bundle and I cannot focus.   

My friends and family have been unwavering in their support of me over the last few months and I will be eternally grateful.  They know how miserable I have been in my current situation and I have tried to learn from this "test."  Yes, it has been a test of my patience, my mental stamina, my faith, my confidence in myself, my resilience and my ability to overcome adversity.  I have always considered myself a survivor but this time the challenge is beating me down.  I do know this - I have not lost my ability or desire to pray.  I am just ready for a new response to my prayers.  I'm not happy with the answer I have received so far which I have determined to be "No change today.  Deal with it." 

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