Wednesday, August 17, 2005

It's All About the Blog

I have been out on the web tonight looking at the Blogsphere.  What an amazing place!  Maybe it was due to the names of the other journals I chose to read but, for the most part, I found the sites to be interesting, often creative and generally informative.  Many left me feeling very inadequate but my blog is young and she will mature with time.

Here are a few of the themes that caught my attention: 

Views of nature through the lens of a camera:  What wonderful photos!  Made me want to try my hand at some serious photography.  Of course, then I would need to master the art of uploading (or is it downloading?) the pics to the puter.

Caretakers of people with serious illnesses or People with serious illnesses:  When I think that I have burdens to bear, all I need to do is read a few entries of these courageous folks.  The ones that were most disturbing were those where they shared a downturn in their situation weeks or months ago and that was the last entry.

Places around the world:  I love seeing the human interest photos of places beyond my little part of the world.  They were not the kind of pictures you would likely see on a postcard but they give you a very real perspective of life and love in other lands.  Their journaling is very enlightening as well.

Writers:  I am talking about the people who are making a profession of writing.  They have so much to share and a journal/blog is an excellent outlet when their cup overflows.

Politicians:  No one expressing their political views online was ambiguous! 

Gays coming out: It amazed me how many gays were so willing to share their most open thoughts and attitudes online but admit they were still closeted to some of their family, friends or co-workers.  I think for some it was perhaps a place to tell their story in the hope that their blog will do the rest.

Moms and their families:  What a great way to share the daily activities with long distance relatives!! I wish it had been around when my children were growing up.

People trying to be creative:  This is the category to which I most relate.  There are so many helpful places and people online that even the most techno-challenged among us can have a voice. 

And, of course, there are educational blogs for every imaginable topic. Fortunately, there are services like AOL that put them into categories for us to search.  So many blogs - so little time!

If you are reading this entry, then you already have stepped into the blogsphere.  Don't stop now.  There is much to be experienced! Enjoy!!

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