Sunday, August 14, 2005

Mmmmm Mmmmm Good

Do you have certain flavors or items of food that you can recall from your past?  I 'm not talking about that delicious dinner you remember from last week.  I'm referring to foods that evoke specific memories from your childhood. 


My earliest memory is tied both to a traumatic event in my life and then a food item as comfort.  Hmmm ... could be a connection to my current use of food as comfort food.  But, that is another post.  When I was three I was playing in the neighbor's yard and ended up with a cut eyelid that required stitches.  After my return from the hospital, my neighbors were sympathizing and apologizing for my injury and they shared some cookies with me.  What I remember so clearly was those cookies were like pecan sandies with bits of orange.  To this day, an orange flavored cookie will transport my thoughts to that screened in porch.

Because much of my extended family lived almost 1,500 miles away I only got to visit them once a year when my family made our vacation pilgrimage.  Perhaps because the foods associated with those visits were so infrequent might explain why they have made such an indelible impression on me.  Pep-o-mint Lifesavers, in the dark blue wrapper, remind me of my great grandfather.  He had a huge rolltop desk in the office connected to his home, and he always kept an ample supply of those candy rolls in his top right desk drawer. Every time we children came to visit, it was a polite round of kisses and hugs and then a mad dash to the desk when the adults settled into their conversations.

On those visits my Pop-pop would walk me to the little general store and treat me to a York peppermint pattie.  They were delicious and I think of my grandfather when I enjoy them today.  When I taste sweet tea with lemon added, I always remember my grandmother.  A Zero candy bar reminds me of summer camp.  For me, Circus Peanuts are associated with Halloween.  And cotton candy was a once-a-year delight at the state fair. 

I have noticed a trend in my happy food memories.  They are all tied with sweets.  That is probably because vegetables were not rare at my house ... and they are very forgettable!  Ever known anyone who got a smile on their face from thinking about Brussel sprouts or boiled okra?

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