Friday, August 19, 2005

So many books .... so little time

I enjoy reading - always have. When I was a child I read the back and sides of the cereal box as I ate my Cocoa Krispies each morning. I read all the Bobbsey Twin books, the entire Nancy Drew series and a few of the Pollyanna books.  (I always thought she was too much of a goodie two shoes so those were not a favorite of mine.) I read the childhood classics and my favorite was “Little Women.”  My mother had a degree in Early Childhood Education and I believe she instilled this love of literature by reading to us children.  I remember reading the Classics Illustrated comic books which I have been tempted to purchase again on Ebay.


 I read the instructions that come with appliances. I pause the TIVO and read the vanity card that Chuck Lorrie adds at the end of every episode of Two and A Half Men. It looks like a Blog entry to me!! I read the little tiny print of the labels slapped on prescription bottles. Of course, I have to look over the top of my glasses to read anything that small! I read the acknowledgements on CD dust covers. (When they were albums they were dust covers. What are they called now when a disc comes in a plastic shell?) I read the little messages printed on receipts in case I can win something.  I read fortune cookies, movie reviews, and the crawler at the bottom of the news.


I subscribe to several magazines and read them all. I read the news, emails and blogs on the internet.


And, of course, I read books. I have five bookcases full and have considered cataloging them. I have loaned too many books that were never returned - usually to former co-workers. By now the book has sat on their shelf long enough they think of it as their own. But one day, when they dust it off and open the cover, they will see my address label and ta-da! I will be rejoined with my long, lost friend. And, it will be nice to hear from the co-worker, too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lil women and nancy drew!!!!!  ah those were the days!

hopefully my daughter will get into them all soon

she's right now reading " Winn Dixie"  we havnet see the movie yet, but i'm sure its cute
