Sunday, August 28, 2005

Something for everyone

I love Jland and enjoy visiting websites and also viewing the journals others recommend.  That leads me to still other journal listings and, before I know it I am deep into new territory.  Such was the case today.  One click led to another, to another and so on.  Fascinating trip.


Did you know there are blogs out there where people post entries on caskets, pressure washers, mandolins, and pond pumps?  Now, I am not referring to websites on these topics.  I mean an actual blog with postings and comments and sometimes pictures. 


There is a gal out there who is the self-appointed expert on squirrel info.  There is a blog with the how-to steps on all types of piercings.  And, remember Miss Muffet?  She evidently has started a journal on whey resources.  I’m not lying!!


I couldn’t get enough!  There were blogs dedicated to discussions of the German economy, pet urns,pet insurance, outlet malls, hairstyle ideas, and free acne facts.  There was the complete guide to mandolins, journals on muscle cars, rims/wheels, religion in New Jersey, helpful human skeleton resources (never know when that one will come in handy!), as well as night vision information and resources.  But the most helpful blog I found, that I do not believe has been given its journal accolades yet, was the blog on the Rules of Hygiene.  It was a step-by-step guide. 1. Shower  2. Use deodorant 3.  Brush your teeth, etc.  Each step had plenty of detail provided and comments. I did not pay enough attention but I think the purpose of the journal was to teach teenagers how to date.  Gee.  Don't you feel better knowing someone has spelled it out? 


Just goes to show you that everyone has something they want to share!  I still think my AOL buddies' journals are the best. 


What is the most unusual blog you have come across? 


Anonymous said...

hey Donna,

I have to say, i havent come across those types of journals....cause i usually dont do random searches, but instead just explore the journal favorites of MY favorites, and so we become a whole J-land community that linked together in more ways  than 7 degrees of separation!!!! lolol

that squirrel is moving too fast for my hungover eyes, gonna end now LOL


Anonymous said...

These are all aol journals youre talking about? Crazy! Well, whatever floats your boat I guess!

Anonymous said...

These are actually blogs from Blogspot and other sites.  If you go to a single blog at Blogspot you can click "Next Blog" and keep on clicking, looking at all the other entries.  There are some weird ones out there but my favorite are the more "normal", creative blogs and I have found those primarily on AOL.  I wish AOL Journals had the ability to search more easily through other's sites.  This entry was written with tongue firmly in cheek.  Thanks for stopping by.