Saturday, August 27, 2005

Babysitting my granddog

SadieThis is Sadie, my granddog.  She is almost a year old and weighs about 3 lbs soaking wet.  We have a great time when Mom and Dad let her come stay with me since I spoil her rotten and probably give her too many doggie treats.  She likes to sit on my shoulder and watch tv but I could not get a good picture of that.  She is fearless when someone knocks on the door or rings the bell but she becomes manic around the vacuum cleaner even when it is unplugged.  I think there must have been some traumatic event in her first few weeks that instilled this fear in her.  That’s okay – I don’t want to vacuum anyway. 


Sadie is a ham when it comes to having her picture made and she posed on the counter for this one.  


If I am having this much fun spending the weekend with my granddog, I can only imagine how I will feel with future, less hairy offspring. 


Anonymous said...

lol how cute!!!!!!! he seems so sweet
lets hope the future offspring is less hairy LOLOL


Anonymous said...

Aww! My cat is afraid of the vacuum too! hehe

Anonymous said...

OMG!  My Princess who is a chihuahua loves to sit on my shoulder...I swear sometimes she is more like a cat than a dog. But seeing how she only weighs 2 pounds sitting on my shoulder is no big thang for her.  Princess goes bazurk when the vacuum goes on....sometimes I think she is going to acutally bite it she gets so close to it barking her head off!

Your Sadie is adorable!!!!!!   I would have a granddog like that anyday...hey maybe Sadie and Princess would like to play together one know a dog play date. LOL!