Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Turn about is fair play? We'll see.

Let's see how this goes.  I posed questions to Barb - A Ticket to Ride - so now it is my turn.                                                        


Here's how we play:
  - Ask me 3 questions. Any three, no matter how personal, private or random.
- I have to answer them honestly. I have to answer them all.
- In turn, you post this message in your own blog or journal and you have to answer the questions that are asked of you.

Questions must be submitted in the comments thread of this entry, no later than 10 PM (CST) Monday, Aug 29.
  Hit me with your best shot!!   Donna


Anonymous said...

Hello, again! I didnt play this in my journal. I did already in my older one. Anyways, here ya go:

1 I know youre married. Do you have children and if so how many?

2 How did you get started journaling and when?

3 What is something you hope to accomplish during your life that you have not done yet?

: ) Thanks!

Anonymous said...

lol, my cat stepped on the keyboard and i lost my comment

i hope it doesnt post twice

1)  how much do u hate men by now??????????????? lol( that should be posed to me)

2)  how long have u lived alone? or do any of ur kids still live there?

Anonymous said...

and 3)  where was ur most favorite place to visit in the US and why?

come by mine, try to see pass all the potty mouth and insaneness if u can



ps nice chatting with u today!

im me any time!

Anonymous said...

Love your Journal!!!I have been lurking around for a bit....I played with that Picasso thing for an hour!!!
I see you linked Bonanza...isnt she the bomb!!!!! Love her..I have met many people through Blog Explosion...she was one of them!!!!
Thought I would finally pop a comment!

Anonymous said...

1.  What is your favorite song??

2.  Who inspires you and why?

3.  What is your favorite sound and why?


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm is it Aug 29th yet?  Here are mine if you dont post answers here that's cool...but I will give you three to think about any way.  :)

1.  Is there any food you ever eat right out of the jar but nobody knows about? (Like peanutbutter etc...)

2.  Do you want a open casket or closed when you pass away? (is that too creepy?)

3.  What was the last thing you dressed up as for Halloween?