Monday, June 2, 2008


Tomorrow should be a red letter day for me.  After two surgeries and six months of braces, walkers, casts, crutches, wheelchair and riding the short bus, I hope to be able to leave them all behind and walk and drive normally.  I am sooooo excited.  I know I am going to have to go through some therapy but that will be nothing compared to what I have already been through.  

You just do not appreciate things when you have them; only when they are taken away.  When this whole experience is over, I hope I will appreciate driving while I sit facing the front.  I won't mind where I park. I will shop both sides of the store in the same visit. I will step off the curb without holding on to someone or something. I will shop for fun. I'll probably spend more money. I will swim. I'll have more energy. I will buy new shoes. I will not think about the number of steps involved when going out with friends. I won't look like a wobbling weeble - most of the time.

Yep, it's going to be a new day!  Yeah!!


Anonymous said...

whuuuu huuuuuuu good luck tomorrow... let us know how you make out

Anonymous said...

I am excited for you! It might be a rough road yet for a while, but to expect to have full recovery - it will be worth it! Good luck!
