Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Turn it up!

As much as it pained me, and I do mean that literally, I was glad to be at the oral surgeon's office yesterday.  I had been putting off some much needed work and when I had my car accident last fall, my teeth were no longer the priority.  I had only completed the first phase of a multiphased process last year so letting it go unattended for this many months finally caught up with me.

Not sure about you but I love the nitrous oxide!  I could sit there with drool rolling off my chin all day if they would keep me hooked up.

I went ahead and took a personal day at work yesterday so I could relax after the procedure and not go back to the office looking as though I had lost the latest round of Ultimate Cage Match.  Smart move on my part because when they turned me loose, I had a mouth of gauze and a glassy look in my eyes. But I did not care.  It had been fun.

A lot of people I know have had a bad experience with the gas but for me, it is the closest thing to doing drugs I will ever know.  

When the doctor first came in and started to prepare me for the novacaine I immediately asked for the gas.  They hooked me up and I kept taking deep breaths but nothing ... I still knew where I was and what was about to happen.  Not good. I told the assistant that I could not tell any difference so she turned up the concentration a bit.  Still nothing.

Then we realized that one of the hoses was not connected so all that precious gas was floating in the room.  Dang!  Repositioned, snug fit and whish ... I felt it kick in. Please understand that I do not want to have an out of body experience but with my TMJ and overall dislike for dental work, I would rather be anywhere but in that chair.  The gas helps me not care.

The best way for me to describe how I feel when the gas takes its full effect is for me to take my two hands in front of me and have the fingers go at each other in a little frenzy. My mind is a jumble and I recognize it is a jumble ... and I don't care. 

So what happens next?  You might think it was the doctor's turn but you'd be wrong.  THIS is when they sent the person from the Billing office in to talk with me about my financial obligation for the procedure.  I started laughing and suggested the timing was a bit off.  But I signed the paperwork anyway ... I didn't care.

I think I may have taken a bit of a nap because two hours had passed when they pronounced me done. I know I actually never went to sleep because I remember various steps they went through and smart ass comments I made along the way.  Gas makes me think I am a comedian.  They laughed from either polite acknowlegement or the fact that I had actually signed the financial paperwork while under the influence. 

But all good things must come to an end and the nitrous was replaced with oxygen. I waited the appropriate amount of time before I drove myself to the pharmacist and got the pain meds filled.  Home again.  Popped the pills and for the next few hours I slept.... I REALLY did not care.

Today I am as good as new.  Guess I better read the documents I signed. I think I'll care.   



Anonymous said...

ah ha ha ha ha!!  Literally laughing out loud here!  I'm with you - bring it on, Big Man - and turn it UP!!  I am a total freak about the dentist, even a straight forward cleaning, so I ask for it at every visit.  What makes me laugh the most is that my insurance pays for my pleasure...  

I salute you...  MeMeadow

Anonymous said...

The gas escaping round the room?  I had to laugh as I could imagine the dentist and his assistant being "high" as well lol!  Thank you for the comment on my journal.  Not sure who Tom is, I am married to Mike ROFL

Anonymous said...

LOL!  Maybe that's what I need to get through the day... nitrous oxide!  LOVED this entry!  I can imagine you, the dentist, his assistant and the billing clerk ALL standing around laughing uncontrollably... over YOUR bill!  Thanks for the much needed laugh!  Lisa

Anonymous said...

Ah yes I can still recall my experience with N20.  I never needed it, but I was a young dental assistant and the "hippie" dentist I worked for was sure I needed to experience it so I would know what the patients went thru when they used it.  lol  It was coooooool.

Glad you're doing better!

Anonymous said...

I have highly sensitive teeth. First I get the gas. Then a topical. Then several shots of lidocaine. After that, the dentist goes away until I am nice and high. He comes back. If I can talk, he turns the gas up a little higher. After that, we are good to go, unless my mouth is still not entirely frozen. Then I grit my teeth and inhale as much as I can without exhaling. Still I sometimes have tears going down my cheek from the pain. He tries very hard to avoid the pain and will give me as many shots as he thinks might help. I was once knocked out by the gas, but the dentist was considerate enough to give me the shot before he gave me oxygen, lol! The shots don't bother me unless they are in the roof the mouth or right up under the front lip. I feel your pain - since it has been over a week since you wrote this, I am guessing you feel 150% better now! I generally go home from the dental work and nap. By then, it's all worn off and no pain lingers. You have certainly had more than enough stuff going on!
