Sunday, June 15, 2008

Taking Inventory

I read recently that making lists was a sign of OCD.  I do not think I would be diagnosed as such but I do like to make the occasional list.  It is part of what keeps me on track. And, often, as a result of a journal I read, it prompts me to take inventory for any number of reasons.  Here are some of the lists I have made in 2008 with just one entry per list. 

What lists have you made recently?

1.  I make lists for the grocery store.  Current pressing need - something salty 

2.  Things I need to return to the store before it is too late.  That blouse that makes me look preggers

3.  Places I've been.  England was the fartherest away. (Or is that 'furtherest'?)

4.  Places where I want to go.  New Zealand

5.  Number of times I have been to the doctor this year.  Not as many as I thought.

6.  Things to do at work to raise morale.  Baby picture contest.

7.  People I have hired in my career.  Over two hundred.

8.   People I have had to let go.  Cindy comes to mind.

9.   Which states I have slept in - not just driven through.  35

10. The words and actions my granddaughter has mastered at age 9 months, 10 months and 11 months.  I sense a pattern here.   This will be another journal entry.

11.  Friends I have lost contact with that I would like to find again.  Mindy is at the top of this list.

12.  Concerts I have attended.  23 - Neil Diamond was the best

13.  Famous peopleI have met.  Dolly Parton is the most famous on the list.

14.  Bills I need to pay. This list is getting shorter!  Yeah me!

15.  Software applications I use.  8

16.  Software applications I know.  over 20

17.  Total number of jobs I have had.  Going all the way back to my teens - 16

18.  My top 10 favorite tv shows ever.  Mary Tyler Moore

19.  My top 10 favorite movies ever.  Out of Africa

20. Kinds of music I like.  I identified eight genres. and none of them require the use of the word "yo".


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Anonymous said...

Nice list, I like the last one lol



Anonymous said...

LOL!  That's... ummmm.. a lot of lists!  I make them myself.  Things To Do Today.  Things That Can Wait Until Tomorrow.  Things To Do This Year.  Things I Didn't Do Last Year.  Things I'm NEVER Gonna Do.  Guess which one's longer!  ;-)  Lisa

Anonymous said...

I think I have only 3 - a to do list, a list of books to read, and a list of the books I have already read.


(furthest or farthest, either is OK)