Sunday, June 15, 2008

Patrick's Sunday Seven Episode 146

We all have our tools. I’m not talking about those greasy devices that mechanics have on toolbelts. There are basic items that we’d almost feel lost without. Some are high-tech, like our cell phone, and others are low-tech, like a ball-point pen. But there are items that we almost can’t do without (or have at least convinced ourselves that we can’t do without) as we do our normal thing.

I was inspired to post this topic by my friend Rick, who posted a picture of some tools on his desk. Have a look at the picture here, and you might find a few items there that would make your list.

Name seven everyday “tools” that you use on a daily basis.

Either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment. You may include this link in the URL space when leaving your comment, or in the comment itself. As long as it’s there in one spot or the other.

My Answers:
1. Cell phone

2. Keys
3. Garage opener
4. Remote control
5. Radio alarm clock
6. Glasses
7. Curling iron

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Computer, car, dictionary, walking shoes - I need these too :-)
