Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Playing Patrick's Sunday Seven

I am so excited to find Patrick's Place once again. Click here to get the full effect.

The 2007-2008 television season has come to a close, and here is a list of the Top 20 shows of the season. You’ll note that in some cases, some shows may be listed more than once: one day’s regularly-scheduled episode may do better than another day’s, and rather than average them together, Nielsen lists the show twice.

You don’t necessarily need that list for this week’s question, because it’s entirely up to you which shows you list, but I thought I’d supply it at least as an idea starter.

Name your favorite shows of the 2007-2008 TV season.

Here is mine:

1.  The Office

2.  Two and A Half Men

3.  The Big Bang Theory

4.  Boston Legal

5.  The Paper (MTV)

6.  60 Minutes

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*sigh* I have never seen any of those and haven't even heard of most, LMAO!
