Friday, June 6, 2008


I went to the doctor today and learned that the x-rays show my ankle is making progress.  Everything is where it should be and I can start therapy. There is still a considerable amount of swelling but with screws holding the outside ankle bone in place and smaller anchors holding the tendons where they belong the joint has stiffened up and formed some scar tissue as well.  The therapy should/will relieve that.

The doctor said I am now able to start weaning myself from the toe-to-knee brace to a lace-up support that will allow me to wear an athletic shoe. I immediately switched out to the lightweight version and found the foot and ankle strong enough to be able to drive with the right foot. Yeah, rah!!!

I don't want to overdo it but I am very excited that I should soon be able to wear normal shoes. The fashion statements I have been making leave much to be desired,


Anonymous said...

YEAH!  That is good news.. very good news :)  

Anonymous said...

You can drive now? YAY!!! Just be careful!
