Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Pig Line forms to the right

Why is it that when you have a group luncheon that the people who bring nothing or at best, a 2-liter bottle of soda or a package of napkins, are the first in line, overfill their plates and come back for seconds before everyone has even been through the line the first time? It never ceases to amaze me.

Once in a while, at the office, we find an excuse to have a potluck lunch.  A sign-up sheet is posted to allow everyone to see what suggested items they can bring.  If you don't do a sign-up sheet you might end up with lots of dessert and no meat or veggies. Of course, there are always those who do not want to make a committment until the last minute or the non-compliant employees who do not think they should have to identify what they bring.  No problem - as long as they remember to actually participate.  

And, then there are the people who will sign up under the misc category and they bring $2 worth of soda.  Or a bag of ice and nothing more. You can bet, at offices around the nation and not just at mine, those people will be first in line.  They pile their plate as though they have not had a full meal in eons, giving no thought to the rest of the staff that are waiting in line behind them.  They will start a second plate just for dessert, come through the line often, wrap up a full plate in the refrigerator for grazing later and then take home any leftovers that are still available.

At one such luncheon, where I use to work, one of our vice-presidents had brought two very large trays of coldcuts and cheeses.  One was in the refrigerator and one was placed on the buffet table.  There was tons of food at this lunch and everyone had their fill.

As people left for the day, they raided the refrigerator, filling containers with the remaining meat which they took home to their families.  It turns out the VP had picked up the second tray for a family gathering that evening and had just put it in the refrigerator as a convenience.  It had her name on it but no one took the hint.  She was in shock as she prepared to leave and found the tray bare with just pieces of lettuce and some bits of ham left.  I will never forget the look on her face.

We are having a farewell luncheon for one of my employees at work tomorrow.  Only about a third of the staff have signed up. I will let you know how many eat.  

Footnote:  I was so concerned that there would not be enough food I cooked enough for an army myself last night so there was plenty.  Sure enough I heard comments made that the same handful of slackers filled their plates, came back multiple times and only made a minimal contribution toward the whole effort.  I just do not understand how someone can be so oblivous to doing the right thing as an adult in a group setting.  Oh, well.  I did my part and the honoree was very appreciative. And, there were leftovers!!! 


Anonymous said...

I bet they all do!  I have seen this very thing at my place too... It's disgusting how they act.

Anonymous said...

And I thought I was the only one that noticed (winks). I grew up the eldest of 6 kids and I learned at an early age to be respectful and let the younger kids eat first. Yet whenever I go to a get together now I'm continuously amazed at the lack of manners and consideration for others. The cheapskates always act as if the world owes them, when they contribute nothing to the world at large themselves. Well said hon! (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

I sometimes wonder if it just isn't better that certain people don't bring anything homemade.  I love a potluck every bit as the next person - okay, maybe more than the next person - but at least if I brought it, I know my kitchen was clean.  Or that I washed my hands first, or that I didn't lick the spoon before putting it back in the bowl.  Ever watch that Sandra Dean lady?  (I think that's her name...)  Her recipes look so good, but she constantly licks her fingers, the spoon, what have you... ON CAMERA!!  I wouldn't eat anything she brought to the potluck!!!  hee hee hee

Just so you know, it does annoy the crap out of me when the non-contributors eat more than a fair share.  I could believe that "once" they forgot, but twice (and sometimes more...) they are just plain scammin' a free meal...  grrrrrr....

Have a great day!!  MeMeadow

Anonymous said...

I don't think they are oblivious. I think they know exactly what they are doing. It's like asking a dog to watch your sandwich. These are the same people I used to go to staff luncheons/dinners with. They would have a $5.99 meal, two drinks, dessert, and toss in $5 for the whole thing, which barely would cover their tip and taxes, which they ignored entirely. That left everyonee else picking up 2/3 of their cost. They know what they are doing.
