Saturday, June 7, 2008

Patrick's Saturday Six, Episode 216

It’s time to think positive…about being negative. Are you cynical? Are you practically Oscar the Grouch? Or are you that happy type that most of the rest of us would like to shove down a storm drain be much more like?

Being negative is this week’s topic!

Here are this week’s “Saturday Six” questions. Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal…but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit!  Enjoy!

1. Is the glass half-empty or half-full?  half full

2. Are you more of your own worst critic, or do you tend to be everyone else’s worst critic instead? a little of both

3. How do you feel about technological advances: are you generally optimistic that a new system will make life better or worse? I love new technology and yes, I think it will make life better. I wish I could afford it!

4. Take the quiz: Are you too negative? Nope, I am positive.

5. A friend asks your opinion about something, and you know that being honest might hurt his or her feelings. How honest are you likely to be? I will diplomatically try to be honest but stop if I think it might be too hurtful. You can usually tell if someone wants the real truth.

6. You see a panhandler on the street: which tends to be closer to your immediate impression: that he’s a good person who’s down on his luck or a bad person who doesn’t want to work? I'm more likely to think it is a person who does not choose to work.



Anonymous said...

1. The glass is too big :-)


Anonymous said...

Hello - thanks for commenting in my journal!  Sounds like your ankle is much more serious.  I have had literally no other interventions since the ER a month ago.  I am back in my own shoe again, however finding that very painful!  My recovery has been so so easy, and seemingly quick.  Wish you could say the same.  I actually blame the fracture on my diet coke addiction.  I literally was drinking a case (yes, 24 pack...) in 3 or 4 days.  At one point I wasn't drinking water anymore.  So, I am off carbonated beverages cold turkey, and my breakfasts now consist of 2 Viactive calcium/chocolate chews and a glass of milk.  I do miss the caffeine boost in the morning, but hell, who else is going to keep Starbucks in business?!  ha ha ha  Looking forward to more of your entries... Keep 'em coming!   :o)  MeMeadow