Friday, September 30, 2005

What color should your blog be?

Your Blog Should Be Yellow


You're a cheerful, upbeat blogger who tends to make everyone laugh.
You are a great storyteller, and the first to post the latest funny link.
You're also friendly and welcoming to everyone who comments on your blog.
What Color Should Your Blog or Journal Be?

I really liked this.  Heck, I appreciate affirmation, even if it is from a meme.  

It is a Google kind of night.

I think I have too many alerts turned on.  Luckily, I am something of a speed reader but I sometimes spend more time reading than contributing.  Doesn't matter.  I enjoy reading all of the clever posts, admire the wonderful pictures and generally learn something from each one. 

A little while ago I read Dorn's entry at the Dust Bunny Club of America. Much like the old shampoo commercial, I got this idea from Dorn, who got it from Vortex Girl who got it from ...... and so on and so on ..... 

The premise is to go to keyword Google , and type in "your name is" in quotation marks, like this "Donna is".  Hit [google search] and read what the world wide web has to say about you!  I searched for "Donna is" and got back 247,000 hits.  That was more than I cared to tackled so I then typed in my whole name and got back 65 hits.  More manageable.  Only one of them was actually me but I found several more interesting choices. This was fun.  Here are my favorite picks. 

Donna ***** is probably in no mood for ridicule, consternation and unsolicited advice, but she started it.

Donna ***** is a Registered User in the Hotrodders Bulletin Board.

Donna ***** is a graduate of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto. She was also a certified Early Childhood Educator.

Donna ***** is interested in using the Competency Files to recruit her employees.

Donna ***** is charged with forming a fake company, writing $190,000 worth of checks from her employer's bank account to that company and then cashing them.

I learned I am a flower.


DONNA ***** is a bright burnt orange self, on a 27 inch scape, the bloom is 5 inches and the bud count is 14 per scape. The flower reblooms well for us in central Georgia.

I learned I am a boat.


The ketch Donna ***** is an old light vessel.  

Within the article I found this tidbit to be most enlightening.

Below deck Donna ***** has proper hotel comfort for up to 22 persons in 9 cabins with hot/cold water. Besides several spacious bathrooms/toilets.

I bet you can't say that!


Thursday, September 29, 2005

I was just seconds away

I had been working on an entry this evening in between conversations on the phone, watching "The Apprentice" and visiting with my son.  I had done the editing.  I had added humor and pathos in appropriate measure.  And, just as I was ready to send it out into the blog world, I got a New Entry Alert for the journal owned by Jimmy, the StupidSheetGuy

From the little preface I could view in the pop-up, I saw that it was a very serious entry.  It was a prayer for someone in the J-land community who is very ill.  I stopped in my tracks.

How great is this international community where people who have often never met, care enough to reach out to one another?  We share each other's joys, sorrows, frustrations, fears, wins and losses.  We are here for each other and I am glad to be part of a world that has the capacity to unite... and heal the broken heart, sooth the bruised ego, show support when the dreams are shattered, offer prayers when spirits are low.  It is what we do when we care.


Thank you, Jimmy.  My "Seven Most Common Grammar Errors Seen on the Internet" will have to wait for another day.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

You don't notice when things creep up on you ...



The diet starts today!

Update on the VIVIs

Short and sweet.  Just wanted to do my part to spread the news.



Drumroll please


Big News!  I got a new job!  Only one or two of you were even aware of this but I have been looking for employment for longer than I care to admit.  When I moved back home to Texas, I just knew companies would be lined up, trying to outbid each other for my specific managerial skills.  Oh, no ... I needed to learn a few lessons first! 

I made the mistake of turning down two offers early on, certain that if I had those two so quickly, I could hold out for something even better.  Yes, I got greedy.  And, I was prideful.  And, I was stupid.  I soon discovered how truly tough the job market could be for a woman my age.  

I won't bore you with more details but finally, I found a job that I really wanted.  It has taken an additional three months for the interview process, negotiations and final offer to come through but it happened!  I am thrilled and I look back on this year as a time of true growth and self-realization. 

This experience has changed my attitude on so many things that I previously took for granted.  My material possessions do not mean as much to me now.  I've had the majority of my things in storage for so long and realize I can live without them.  I've become much more selective in how and where I spend my dollars.  I knew having savings was important but never realized how blessed I was til now.  Cooking at home can be more fun than eating out all the time.  (Okay. I wrote that but I am not convinced it is a lesson I have learned yet.)  I've learned WalMart's "sparkling flavored" water tastes just as good as soda. I did not have a single outfit that needed new jewelry!  I can distort myself far enough and hold the position long enough to do my own pedicure.  There are very few movies that must be seen on a big screen to really enjoy.  Staying home and reading is relaxing.  Libraries are not nearly as quiet these days as they use to be.  Yes.  I have learned a lot.

God bless my children for their love and support.  My daughter and son in law have been so wonderful to help keep my spirits lifted.

God bless my 25 year old, single son for graciously sharing his house with me.  I have put such a crimp in his life.  As long as I left the thermostat and the remote control alone, we got along beautifully but I know he is so ready for Mom to move on.

God bless my friends who have always stood by me, through the sunshine and the rain of my life.  Who would have thought the skies would be overcast for so long this time??

And, thank you to all my new buddies in J-land who, by the little things you said and did for me, lifted my spirits day after day. You had no idea how much a positive comment or an emailed compliment or that quick IM, meant during some very dark hours.

I see the light at the end of the tunnel and it isn't a train!



Monday, September 26, 2005

Ouch! Easy with the taser gun!

I should have responded when I was first tasered by Chaispice1023 at I have tea for the current meme racing through the blogsphere. 

The rules:

1.  Go to your journal's archives.

2.  Find the 23rd post.

3.  Find the 5th sentence in that post.

4.  Post that sentence with these instuctions.

5.  Tag five more people.

But noooooo.  I had to procrastinate until now.  I think one of the reasons I put it off was my feeling that the end result, in my case, was so lame.  Why couldn't it have been one of my more interesting sentences?  "My desire for perfection was in conflict with my inner-Picasso." or I ... was very excited to be included in this group's inner-circle, even if it was just for one night.  Those might invoke some curiosity to find out more. 

My 23rd entry was entitled "Love was in the air."  And the fifth sentence is For those who drove, they could have done without the high gas prices.   TaDa!

I used my most recent Alerts to find unsuspecting participants. Don't you feel special?  You should.  There is only just so much time to read new posts so I have to be selective in my alert choices. Lucky you!  LOL

Now I am going to taser:

Steven  Does he ever do the memes?





Have fun!

Going to my "Happy Place"

I had prepared a journal entry that turned out to be too large to save.  Then, in my efforts to cut it in half and make it a two parter, I lost the whole thing.  I know others have lost their work in the past (I have seen the verbal angst in many a journal!) so I shall wipe my eyes, stop grinding my teeth and move forward. But I still find myself asking, "Why me?"  LOL

My goal, from the inception of this journal, has been to try and focus on the positive. When people come to visit my little piece of cyberspace, I want them to go away feeling better for having been here.  Oh, that's not to say a journal should not be used to express those deeper emotions.  That's just not my intention in this space.  I am giving serious thought to starting another journal where I can express some things that are tugging at my heart.  But not here.  This is my "Happy Place." 

Until I lose what I am trying to Save.  

Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Sunday Seven Episode 4 from Patrick's Place

To join in the fun, go see Patrick for details.

Of the movies in your current DVD or VHS collection, name seven (in no particular order) that you have watched enough times to make your friends suspect that there might be something wrong with you but that you can't imagine not watching again.

1.  Urban Cowboy - I truly wanted to list seven John Travolta films but I controlled myself.

2.  Amadeus

3.  The King and I (The original version)

4.  The Christmas Story (about the little boy who wanted a bb gun)

5.  Babe ("That'll do, Pig.")

6.  The Wizard of Oz

7.  One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Being such a huge movie buff, this was a very tough assignment.  There are many movies that I have watched repeatedly but I think this list is a pretty fair representation of my eclectic interests. 

This was fun!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Birth Date Quiz

Just another fun thing to do from Blogthings.  I snagged this from Celeste at The Dailies.


Your Birthdate: March 23 With a birthday on the 23rd of the month (5 energy) you are inclined to work well with people and enjoy them.
You are talented and versatile, very good at presenting ideas.
You may have a tendency to get itchy feet at times and need change and travel.

You tend to be very progressive, imaginative and adaptable.
Your mind is quick, clever and analytical.
A restlessness in your nature may make you a bit impatient and easily bored with routine.
You may have a tendency to shirk responsibility.
Very sociable, you make friends easily and you are an excellent traveling companion.
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

Edit:  Okay.  Rebecca and Betty both called me out on this in the Comments.  So how do I feel about this oh so scientific assessment?  Hmmm ... I feel that these are all traits of which I am proud to possess.  But I take issue with the one about shirking responsibility.  That just does not fit.  I may shirk ironing, sending hand written thank you notes, regular dusting, balancing my checkbook, and defragging my computer but that's about it.  Yeah - RIGHT!   

It's here! Viva La VIVI

Picture from Hometown

It's not the Oscars.  It's not the Emmys.  It's not the People's Choice awards, although that's a close description.  It's the AOL J-land equivalent - The VIVIs.

For more details, check it out at Patrick's Place.

I am listing the categories below as my own personal reminder of what I will be watching for as I visit your journals at AOL. 

Here are the planned categories with a brief description of each.  You will note that some of the category titles have changed slightly and a few categories have also changed.  There are a couple of new categories this year as well.

The top honor:  a journal that stands out above all others in 2005.

Best U.S. Male Journal

Best U.S. Female Journal

Best U.K. Male Journal

Best U.K. Female Journal

NEW!  Best Canadian Journal

NEW!  Best Journal originating in countries other than U.S., U.K. and Canada

Journal with most effective/creative use of original non-animated graphics.

Journal with most effective/creative use of original animated graphics.

Journal with most effective/creative use of original photography.

Journal producing the most laughs among readers.

Journal producing the most distinct emotional response among readers, happy or sad.  This is the journal that gives readers a real sense that they're reading something straight from the writer's heart.

Journal written in a way to inspire dialog and/or raise awareness about issues that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Journal with powerful entries that tackle tough issues head-on.  It's not about "masked vulgarities" or anything else that might make the TOS people raise an eyebrow:  it's more about writing honestly without any fears of telling it like it is.

Journal with creative and effective use of grandiose behavior.

Best use of grammar.

Journal consisting of original fiction or poetry that stands out among the rest.

Award for a single entry or series of related entries on a particular topic.

Journal that sticks primarily to one single topic or theme, from Sports to Travel to Politics to Career to Religion, and rarely deviates from that topic while still maintaining reader interest.

Outstanding Journal written by people aged 14 or younger.

Outstanding Journal written by people aged 15-18

Most outstanding journal created since July 1, 2004.  (That gives a little more than a year of eligibility, but the official nominations of last year's awards were named around July 18th, and I wanted to make sure everyone who had begun their journals around that time had the opportunity to participate.)

NEW!  Specifically to feature journals created by AIM Users.  Since AIM journals are a relatively recent possibility, all of the AIM journals themselves would automatically be "new."

NEW!  Most outstanding journal that is older than a year, but that readers feel hasn't received the attention it deserves.

NEW!  A journal you miss the most:  one that still exists but has not been updated in any way in at least three months that readers wish would be regularly updated again.  Consider it the "Best Abandoned Journal."  Maybe this award will change that!

NEW!  Outstanding journal that creates a unique experience for readers.  It need not be necessarily the best journal in all of J-land, but it is the one journal with such a distinct voice that a reader could identify by reading a single entry.  It is different from the "Journal of the Year" category in that it may not be the biggest standout of the year overall, but it is regularly such a special place to visit that you want to come back always.

I hope you will take time to participate.  AOL's J-land is young and this is your chance to get involved.  Have fun!


The Saturday Six from Patrick's Place

Picture from Hometown

Here are this week's "Saturday Six" questions from Patrick's Place.  Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit!  If you don't have an AOL journal, you can still play, but of course you'll at least need an AOL screen name, which you can get for free with AOL Instant Messenger, to be able to leave a comment here.  To be counted as "first to play," you must be the first player to either answer the questions in a comment or to provide a complete link to the specific entry in your journal in which you answer the questions.  A link to your journal in general cannot count.  (Again, if you're playing for the first time, please be sure to say so in the comment!)  Enjoy!

1. Of the following, which one best describes you at your worst?  (You can't select "None of the above!")
    a. One who doesn't finish what he/she starts
    b. One who talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk
    c. One who always finds the worst in a situation
    d. One who generally knows what's right but does what's wrong
I guess I will have to go with A. One who doesn't finish what she starts.  I have the cross stitch projects, scrapbook pages and books holding bookmarkers to prove it. 

2. Not counting shows like Saturday morning cartoons designed specifically for kids, what single show that you grew up watching religiously is now the one you most hate to sit through?
Please, do not make me watch "Phyllis" or "Rhoda" again.
3. Have you ever been so angry with a company that you swore you'd never do business with them again?  If so, did you keep that promise?
Yes.  K Mart  And, I've kept my promise for over 20 years so far. 
4. Take this quiz :  Are you psychic?

You Are 50% Psychic
You are pretty psychic.

While you aren't Miss Cleo, you've got a little ESP going on.

And although you're sometimes off on your predictions...

You're more often right than wrong

So go with your instincts - you know more than you think

5. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #68 from Lily: What's the longest you've talked on the phone in a single phone call, and who were you talking to?
I can remember some marathon conversations to my college boyfriend but have no idea how long.
6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #69 from Betty:   (She recently returned from a trip to Las Vegas!)  How do you feel about gamblin?

I can take it or leave it.  The odds are against me doing well. 

Most Embarrassing Moments Part III - It's funny now.

Sitting in church next to FH (First Husband).  The children were spending the weekend with their grandparents so it was just hubby and me.  Where we attended church, communion trays are passed down each row, like you may have seen in the movie "Places in the Heart."  FH had his arm around my shoulders and when we were passing the wine, from one person to the next, I thought he had a hold of the tray.... and he thought I had a hold of the tray.  And, about the time we realized the tray was suspended in mid-air, we both lunged for it. 

BLAM!  We slammed the tray into the back of the pew in front of us.  Little cups of grapejuice popped out and flew everywhere!  In the hair of the woman in front of me, on the seat, in our laps ... streams of grapejuice ran down my leg.

We repositioned what was left of the communion cups and passed the sticky tray on to the next person.  Was there any left?  Not likely.  The usher carried the tray on out.

FH and I were frozen. Maybe if we sat rrrrreal still, no one would notice.  A few minutes later an usher came back to our row and passed over a handful of paper towels. 

Just so you know, Folks.  Yes, in case you missed it.  The mess is over here.  Right in the middle of the auditorium.  Remain calm.  Everything is under control. 

I remember two things very clearly.  The woman sitting next to us was the most immaculate woman at church and she was the one who handed me the paper towels.  And, I remember feeling that I would burst into giggles like Mary Tyler Moore in that classic funeral scene, if I moved a muscle. Too bad the kids were not with us.  We could have blamed them!


Friday, September 23, 2005

Most Embarrassing Moments Part II - In my twenties

When our children were young, FH (First Husband) and I lived on a very tight budget.  FH took a second job as the cashier, one night a week, at a large, local auction.  This auction house specialized in costly antiques, primarily shipped from England.  FH would tell me, week after week, of all the interesting and beautiful pieces that passed through the doors and the high prices people were willing to pay for quality items.  He encouraged me to come by some evening and see what it was like.

So one night, I arranged with a friend to watch the little ones and I headed to the auction.  I was thrilled at the prospect of being around other adults for a bit and, even though I knew I would not buy anything, it was going to be fun to watch.

When I arrived, FH was seated at the cashier's station in the foyer. There was already a line of people paying for the items they had just purchased so I just waved and went into the main auction area.  I sat close to the back and observed for a few minutes.  I longingly eyed the large pieces of furniture that lined the walls.


About three items after my arrival, the auctioneer began to describe a lovely leaded-glass window composed of 9 panes and a weathered frame.  I thought of how it might look decorating my country-styled home.  $3... $3.50 .... $4 ... The auctioneer was talking so fast, describing the worth.  I perked up.  $5 .... now that was an item I could afford!! The bidding slowed down at $6.50.... my hand shot up - $7  SOLD!  It was mine!

"What's your number?" asked the auctioneer.

Number?  I didn't have a number -

"Your paddle number."


"Go to the back of the room and register.  They will give you a number to claim your purchase."

What was that other thing he just said to me? Something about 7 and 9 panes ... I headed to the registration table.  Funny I had not seen it in my haste when I arrived.

The gentleman carrying the window followed me and so did the owner of the auction.  The big man himself.  The guy the auction was named after ... my husband's boss.  He and I had never met and as he approached me, I did not feel this was the appropriate time for introductions.

"What's going on here?" he asked. (It seemed more like a bellow to me.)

"She's not registered, Sir.  It is not a problem.  We are getting her registered right now."

Okay.  I had my number and was then directed to the table where I could claim my recent purchase.  The Big Boss followed me.

"Alright.  That will be $7 times nine panes ... $63.00."  GULP!

I felt my stomach doing somersaults.  The clerk might as well have said, $63,000.  I could not afford an old window for $63 no matter what cute decorating ideas had filled my head. My husband was sitting out there working a second job! I had gone out on a limb with even the $7 purchase.  I mumbled something to the effect that I thought the total purchase price was $7.  I could not afford it.  I did not have $63. By now I was whispering and could feel my face turning scarlet.

Big Boss exploded. "Then why were you bidding? ... People come in here and don't know what they are doing ... now we will have to put it back up again!"

All I could do was apologize over and over.  As he escorted me toward the foyer, he made himself clear.

"I want you to leave!"

Yes, Sir. 

"I do not want you to come back here. You've got no business being here."

No, Sir ... I won't.  I promise.

We were now in the lobby and FH looked up to see me, red-faced, being guided toward the door.  He started to get up but I motionedto him in a short-hand as if to say, "Don't.  You don't know me."  He froze.  I'm pretty sure I also saw a look of relief.

I apologized again and headed to the parking lot.  About a minute later FH joined me, standing next to the car.  I explained what had happened.  Big Boss did not know who I was. 

"Please don't tell him I'm your wife."

"Don't worry.  I won't."

FH then assured me that his boss had a reputation for his outbursts.  He consoled me as the floodgates opened and the tears came.

I lived through that night but for over 10 years, my hands would sweat and my heart would race if I even saw an auction on television.  When I finally did attend another auction, as a fund raiser for a civic event, I literally sat on my hands.  Who knew what I might buy otherwise?? 


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Me? Idiosyncrasies? Nah!


 -      id·i·o·syn·cra·sy – a personal peculiarity, mannerism; structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group


Write down five of your own personal idiosyncrasies and then, if you wish, tag five people.  Include your list in the comments here or, if you have a journal, come back and add a link in the comments section, so we can check out your personal quirks. It’s only fair!!

1. I do not talk when I first wake up.  I am so not a morning person and for at least thirty minutes my Greta Garbo attitude, "I vant to be alone!" is in full swing.  I don't smoke or drink coffee so I just have to wait for something to kick-start my day.  Any suggestions?


2.  I have a thing about soup broth with anything floating in it. I can eat a thick beef stew but I just cannot stomach a vegetable soup.  If it is a thin liquid with floaty things, I'm outta there.


3.  Don't ask me to work up a sweat!  I do not care if it is an activity I love or not, I do not ever want to feel drops of moisture forming on my body, much less rolling off of me.


4.  I cannot sleep unless a fan is blowing directly on me.  Ceiling fans are not enough - they are too far away.


5.  I may not always remember a name but I NEVER seem to forget a face.  Best example of this:  I saw a distinguished man at church and realized he was the son of friends of my parents, in another city, when I was in Junior High and he was in college.  And, it had been 25 years since I had last seen him or his family.  I just had to approach him and verify that he was the guy I remembered.  Yes, it was and he was married and a father of three teenagers by then.  Freaky!


Okay.  That is enough about me.  Now about you.  Tough decision so I decided to tag the following ten folks to kick this off:











Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Hitting a milestone

Image hosted by 

I'm so excited!  I just logged into my journal and see that I am only two hits away from 1,000 on my counter.  That is very exciting since I just started blogging here in J-land last month. 

While I feel very inadequate in so many ways creating my little journal, I recognize already how far I have come, learning all the details to perk up my entries. When I started this journal, I had never heard of:  J-land, FTP space, tags, anis, blinkies or avatars.  I did not understand the benefits of when to use Text vs HTML. I did not know how to add a link to my journal.  I thought PSP only stood for Playstation something.  I had not heard of PhotoBucket or Flickr and so many other wonderful sites that can help you improve your online experience.  WOW!  What a ride!

Thanks to so many of you for your invaluable assistance answering my questions.  I've got lots more!!  Special thanks to Patrick of Patrick's Place and John Scalzi. They have been patient teachers of this newbie. 

And, to those of you who are quickly becoming my Journal friends, thank you for all your beautiful, humorous and thoughtful entries.  You inspire me!  I'd like to encourage you to look at my Other Journals list.  I have recently added several more links to some journals that I have found to be very worthy of a visit. Several are from countries outside the USA and they will add to the texture of your life.

I welcome your visits.  I hope my entries are worth your time.  I love your comments. It is like having your yearbook signed.  I plan to continue to learn and improve.  And, one day I will stop holding my breath when I hit the Save button, wondering if what I intended matches, what will ultimately appear on the screen.


Sunday, September 18, 2005

Patrick's Sunday Seven

 Image hosted by

THIS WEEK'S QUESTION: You will be locked in a tape vault for six months and you can only have seven choices of television programs to watch. Name the seven shows -- present or past -- that you'd want to make sure were accessible by your remote control. Don't worry about listing them in any particular order...just pick seven you wouldn't want to be without for six months.

1. Boston Legal

2. Everybody Loves Raymond

3. The Tonight Show (Including the Johnny Carson years)

4. The Mary Tyler Moore Show

5. WKRP Cincinnati

6. The early Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoons

7. The Bob Newhart Show

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Embarrassing Moments Part I The College Years

 Something triggered my memory this week of an embarrassing moment and even though it happened over 30 years ago, it still made me laugh. Unfortunately, I have now been rehashing ALL of my most embarrassing moments.

When I was a freshman in college, I was invited to go to a fraternity banquet with someone I did not know very well. He was a member of the university’s award winning Track Team and many of the other members of his club were as well. I knew some of the upperclassmen and their dates and was very excited to be included in this group’s inner circle, even if it was just for one night.

This was in the late 70s and I chose to wear a long dress with a gathered white bodice with a scooped neck, a tightly fitted waist and a flowing black skirt. I was grateful for the gathers through the bust line since I felt woefully inadequate in that area. From the looks of the upper-class girls, I just knew the next couple of years were going to be times of significant physical change for me. A girl could dream, right?

On this evening I decided to give nature a little help so I took a couple of handfuls of cotton balls and stuffed them into the bottom of each side of my bra to give me the extra oomph I so desired. Perfecto! (Keep in mind this was decades before the water-filled Wonder Bra so I thought I had been rather ingenious.) With a big smile I was off to the ball.

Imagine my horror, when half way through the evening I went to the restroom and saw myself in the mirror under the unforgiving florescent lights. Beneath the white gathers, were numerous round lumps creating a subtle polka dot effect next to my skin. The cotton balls had worked their way out of my bra and were headed north. Why not? There was nothing holding them back!!

I can still see my shocked reflection in the mirror and feel my cheeks getting hot. A couple of the upper-class girls were in the restroom and were so sweet, reassuring me that probably no one had even noticed between the dimmed lighting in the banquet, my shawl wrap and the gathers. God bless them!

To be honest, I cannot remember another thing about that evening. My brain has protected me. I daresay, I was so traumatized I probably split personalities at that moment and “Penelope” enjoyed the rest of the night!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Who remembers Emily Post?

When did I become old fashioned? Who am I kidding? My style has always been a little bit old fashioned, in spite of my daughter’s best efforts to perk up my image. I was raised to follow the more conventional fashion trends, never stepping too far off the conservative pathway. Never was that more painfully brought to light than in my response to a recent Question of the Day in an online group to which I belong. The question was “Do you still wear white after Labor Day?”


When I saw the question, there had already been a few responses posted with statements along the lines of “LOL Of course I do!” “I wear what is available." "I do not care about the color. If it is clean I wear it.” “Is that old rule still around?” I was the first participant to admit that I did not wear white after the first Monday in September. It was how I was raised. I have tried to break the familial ranks but my conscience won’t let me. I’m a rebel for about five days and then I succumb to what is very firmly engrained. A few other group members did admit they do not wear white after Labor Day either but the majority was favored to the other side.

If you google “Wearing white after Labor Day” you will find many discourses (559) on whether or not it is still a valid fashion guideline. It would appear that most fashion statements are generalities and no one bothers to follow many rules any more. Now, shirts are still worn on the top of the body and pants are typically worn on the lower half of the torso but even that is challenged by those whose pants are worn with the crotch hanging around the knees.

I won’t bore you with the results of my research but it did cause me to realize I have a list of things that (in my house) were considered points of etiquette I was taught growing up.

1. Do not wear white between Labor Day and Memorial Day with the exception of Easter Sunday. No white shoes or purses. White t-shirts, uniforms or nurses shoes were acceptable exceptions. Winter white (which is ivory or cream) is acceptable but is usually in heavier material due to the cooler temperatures.

2.  No white hose with black shoes.

3.  No dark hose with white shoes.

4.  No sandals or open-toed shoes after Labor Day.

5.  No pantyhose with open-toed shoes or sandals.

6.  Velvet is a fabric only worn in winter.

I can’t help myself. I am a slave to these rules even if no one else still adheres to them. I’m just sorry that the only role model I have seen touting this attitude is Kathleen Turner in "Serial Mom."

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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Now it is my turn to Quiz My Friends

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I hope you do not suffer from test anxiety.  If you do not feel you know me very well now, you will know me better when you take the quiz.  Have fun!

Take my Quiz on!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Something just for fun

Found this fun entry but I thought I was certain of the end result even before I started numbering.  I was wrong.  Luckily, I prefer to think of myself as a Movie Maven and because I have not seen more than 70 of these listed movies, I will hold on to that title.


If you've seen more than 70, then you're a movie whore.... copy, number then paste..

(1) Rocky Horror Picture show
(2) Grease
(3) Pirates of the Caribbean
(  ) Boondock Saints
(  ) The Mexican
(  ) Fight Club
(  ) Starsky and Hutch
(4) Neverending Story
(5) Blazing Saddles
(6) Airplane
(7) The Princess Bride
(8) Young Frankenstien
(9) AnchorMan: The Legend of Ron Burgandy
(10) Napoleon Dynamite
(  ) Saw
(  ) White Noise
(11) White Oleander
(  ) Anger Management
(12) 50 First Dates
(  ) Jason X
(  ) Scream
(  ) Scream 2
(  ) Scream 3
(  ) Scary Movie
(  ) Scary Movie 2
(  ) Scary Movie 3
(  ) American Pie
(  ) American Pie 2
(13) American Wedding
(14) Harry Potter
(  ) Harry Potter 2
(  ) Harry Potter 3
(  ) Resident Evil I
(  ) Resident Evil 2
(  ) The Wedding Singer
(  ) Little Black Book
(  ) The Village
(  ) Donnie Darko
(  ) Lilo & Stitch
(15) Finding Nemo
(  ) Finding Neverland
(  ) 13 Ghosts
(  ) Signs
(16) The Grinch
(  ) Chainsaw Massacre
(  ) White Chicks
(  ) Butterfly Effect
(  ) Thirteen going on 30
(  ) I, Robot
(  ) Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
(  ) Universal Soldier
(  ) A Series Of Unfortunate Events
(17) Along Came Polly
(18) Deep impact
(  ) KingPin
(19) Never Been Kissed
(20) Meet the Fockers
(  ) Eight Crazy Nights
(  ) A Cinderella Story
(21) The Terminal
(  ) The Lizzie McGuire Movie
(  ) Passport to Paris
(22) Dumb & Dumber
(  ) Final Destination
(  ) Final Destination 2
(  ) Halloween
(  ) The Ring
(  ) The Ring 2
(23) Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle
(  ) Practical Magic
(24) Chicago
(  ) Ghost Ship
(  ) From Hell
(  ) Hellboy
(  ) Secret Window
(25) I Am Sam
(26) The Whole Nine Yards
(  ) The Whole 10 yards
(27) The Day After Tomorrow
(  ) Child's Play
(  ) Childs Play 2
(  ) Childs Play 3
(  ) Bride of Chucky
(  ) Ten Things I Hate About You
(  ) Just Married
(  ) Gothika
(  ) Nightmare on Elm Street
(28) Sixteen Candles
(  ) Coach Carter
(  ) bad Boys
(  ) Bad Boys 2
(  ) Joy Ride
(29) Seven
(  ) 28 Days Later
(30) Oceans Eleven
(31) Oceans Twelve
(  ) Identity
(  ) Lone Star
(32) Bedazzled
(  ) Predator I
(  ) Predator II
(33) Independence Day
(34) Cujo
(  ) A Bronx Tale
(  ) Darkness Falls
(35) Christine
(36) ET
(37) Children of the Corn
(  ) My Boss' daughter
(38) Maid in Manhattan
(  ) Frailty
(  ) Best Bet
(39) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
(  ) She's All That
(40) Calendar Girls
(41) Sideways
(  ) Mars Attacks
(  ) Event Horizon
(42) Ever after
(43) Forrest Gump
(  ) Big Trouble in Little China
(  ) X-men
(  ) X-2: X-Men United
(  ) Jeepers Creppers
(  ) Jeppers Creppers 2
(44) Catch me if you can
(  ) The Others
(  ) Freaky Friday
(45) Freaky Fridays(original)
(  ) Reign of Fire
(46) Cruel Intentions
(  ) Hot Chick
(47) Swim fan
(  ) Miracle
(  ) Old School
(48) Ray
(49) The Notebook
(  ) K-Pax
(50) Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
(  ) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
(  ) Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
(51) A walk to remember
(  ) Boogeyman
(  ) Hitch
(  ) The Fifth Element
(  ) Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
(  ) Star Wars Episode II: Attack of The Clones
(  ) Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of The Sith
(  ) Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
(52) Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
(53) Star Wars Episode VI: Return of The Jedi
(54) Troop Beverly Hills
(  ) Swimming with Sharks
(55) Air Force one
(56) For Richer or for Poorer
(  ) Trainspotting
(  ) People Under the Stairs
(57) Blue Velvet
(58) Sound of Music
(59) Parent Trap
(  ) Parent Trap 2
(60) The Burbs
(61) The Terminator
(62) Terminator 2:Judgement Day
(  ) Terminator 3:Rise of the Machines
(  ) Empire Records
(  ) Tommy Boy
(  ) punk
(  ) Meet Joe Black
(  ) Deliver us from Eva
(63) Passion Of the Christ
(  ) The Devils Rejects
(  ) Charlie And the Chocolate Factory(new)
(  ) Charlie And the Chocolate Factory(original)
(  ) Mean Girls
(  ) Heathers
(  ) 8 Mile
(  ) Spice World
(  ) Super Troopers
(64) Shrek
(65) Shrek2
(66) Shark Tale
(  ) The Life Of David Gale
(  ) American History X
(67) The Breakfast Club
(  ) Drop Dead Fred
(  ) Sin City
(  )Beauty and the Beast
(69)Moulin Rouge
(70)Edward Scissorhands

The end of summer

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While the summer of 2005 was eventful, it is winding to a close and I, for one, will not look back on this time with a feeling of loss or longing. I love the fall but I am enjoying the last few rays of sun before the winter clothes are pulled out and the days sitting by the pool are brought to an end.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

In memorium September 11, 2001

Please check out Jimmy's moving tribute to those we lost on September 11, 2001.



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The heart does not forget.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Patrick's Place Saturday Six Episode 74

Here are this week's "Saturday Six" questions.  Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit!  If you don't have an AOL journal, you can still play, but of course you'll at least need an AOL screen name, which you can get for free with AOL Instant Messenger, to be able to leave a comment here.  To be counted as "first to play," you must be the first player to either answer the questions in a comment or to provide a complete link to the specific entry in your journal in which you answer the questions.  A link to your journal in general cannot count.  (Again, if you're playing for the first time, please be sure to say so in the comment!)  Enjoy!

1. You find out that you have to appear on a daytime talk show.  It doesn't matter whose show you choose, but you must appear on one.  Which show would you pick and why?

I'm more of a nightime talk show person but since that is not my choice here, I would choose to be on Ellen's show.  She is so laid back and funny and, I just do not think she would do or say anything that would put me on the spot.

2. Have you ever joined an online dating or penpal site?  If so, have you kept in touch with anyone that you met there; if not, have you ever thought about joining up?

Yes, actually I have joined an online dating site and had a blast.  Met some really great guys and am still in touch with two of them even though I moved 1,300 miles away.

3. Who was the last person you promised you'd keep in touch with following a move or job change?  Have you kept in touch?

I promised Ronnie that I would stay in touch after I left NC and, yes, we are still in touch (almost daily) for 8 months now. I also promised Feven from work but we have not talked for about a month now.  I am pretty sure I owe her a call! 

4. Take this quiz:  What pizza best describes your personality?

Pepperoni Pizza


Robust and dominant.
When you go for something, you go full force.
You tend to take control of situations easily.
And in return, you get a ton of respect.

What's Your Pizza Personality? 

5. You're having dinner with friends at a restaurant.  Besides the company, what is the most important part of the meal:  the appetizer, the drinks, the salad, the entree, or the dessert?

The entree.  The only time the salad would win out would be at Fresh Choice's salad bar!

6. Have you ever submitted a Reader's Choice question to the "Saturday Six?"  If so, did the answers surprise you?  If not, why haven't you?

I have not ever submitted a Reader's Choice question.  This is my first time to participate in the Saturday Six. 

Thursday, September 8, 2005

Just something else to blame on parents

I have been working on my list of 100 Things About Me (required writing for all new bloggers, don’t ya know?!) and listing myself as the oldest of four children was one of my points.  That got me thinking about birth order and I Googled it to see what I could learn.  It is not mythical, mysterious, or mystifying.  I believe there is a basis of common sense in the ideas many have written on the topic. 


As I mentioned in my early post regarding Mr. Picassohead, my desire for perfection was incompatible with my inner Picasso. I have learned that my birth order is the reason for that conflict.  I am also very self-aware of both my strong and weak traits.  But I cannot be blamed or praised for either.  They are all a result of being the firstborn daughter.


Here are just some of the highpoints of my internet travels.  Pictures available upon request.


Firstborns demand a lot of themselves, and of others in turn.  They learn to be resourceful, self-reliant and tough.  Psychologists and researchers often describe typical firstborns as serious, conscientious, take-charge, goal-oriented, aggressive, rule-conscious, exacting, conservative, organized, responsible, jealous, fearful, and anxious. Clearly, not all firstborns fit these descriptors, but as a group, most have more than their share of these traits.


My Expressive Mode is Verbal.  No surprise there.  If I do not have an audience to listen, I will write it out.  Blogmeister.

My Personality/Role is Matriarch Problem Solver.   

Focus/Outlook - Strong-willed, Mature, Family Oriented. 

Needs from Parents – Play, Trust, Closeness, Stability.

Ideally Becomes – Positive Leader, Teacher, Mother

When imbalanced – Serious, Controlling, Dominant  Who says this is imbalanced?!!

Energetic Essence – Pure Love of Life.  Oooo this sounds nice.  It’s a keeper.


Check, check, check.  I think I’ll accept the positive ones and dismiss the not-so-agreeable traits. I can do that you know.  I am strong-willed and controlling.  Deal with it!


If you are not a firstborn daughter, check your birth order traits at  

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Seven Things

7 Things I Plan To Do Before I Die : 

1.  Be a grandmother.

2.  Take an Alaskan cruise.

3.  Take a photography class.

4.  Ride in a hot air balloon.

5.  Be in Vermont in the fall when the leaves turn.

6.  Get my passport stamped at least one more time.

7.  Find true love.


7 Things I Can Do:

1.  Speak in front of a large crowd.

2.  Carry a tune.

3.  Make people laugh.

4.  Be diplomatic in the most difficult situations.

5.  Spot a typo or grammatical error even when I am not looking or listening for it.  It is a curse and drives me crazy, especially if I cannot do anything about it.

6.  Be creative.

7.  Cook.


7 Things I Can't Do:

1.  Converse in a language other than English.

2.  Sing well enough that people want to hear more.

3.  Ride on a roller coaster.

4.  Get into a size 10.

5.  Keep from getting lost.

6.  Eat with chopsticks.

7.  Keep from crying when I am really mad.


7 Things That Attract Me to the Opposite Sex:

1.  Sense of humor.

2.  Intelligence.

3.  Muscular legs.

4.  Hairy chest but not hairy shoulders.

5.  Eyes like Kurt Russell or Patrick Swayze (before his plastic surgery).

6.  Tough but tender.

7.  Spiritual depth.


7 Things I Say Most Often:

1.  Oh, my word!!

2.  Anyway ...

3.  I'm lost.

4.  Help me understand why you .... (believe that, say that, want that, think that, etc.)

5.  Please/thank you

6.  Excellent!

7.  Awwwww...


7 Celebrity Crushes:

1.  John Travolta (no matter what he weighs)

2.  Kurt Russell

3.  Shemar Moore (the gorgeous guy with the cornrows in "Diary of an Angry Black Woman")

4.  Mel Gibson

5.  David Keith (An Officer and a Gentleman)

6.  George Clooney

7.  John Denver (Hewill always hold a special place in my heart.)


7 People I Want to Do This:

1.  Dorn

2.  Anna

3.  Suzy

4.  Sonya

5.  Betty

6.  Robin

7.  Meg


Love was in the air

What a great weekend!  I flew to Alabama to attend the wedding of my nephew.  We had been concerned that the recent bad weather would affect things but the entire event could not have been any better!  (Okay.  For those who drove, they could have done without the outrageous gas prices!)  It was so nice to spend a few days just relaxing and enjoying the outdoors.  The weather was perfect and the wedding was held outside overlooking the lake just as the sun set.  I will post more pictures later. It was just beautiful.  We came from all over - Alabama, Texas, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Georgia, Minnesota, and Canada.  Many of us had not seen each other in years so we spent hours catching up on the latest.  The groom had two days to do nothing but relax and even went fishing the morning of the wedding with some of his buddies.  As an avid fisherman from the Florida coast, he kept saying he could not believe that he actually got to fish on his wedding day.  When he caught a fish in the lake we all agreed that it was a good omen and he felt that sealed it - NOW he could get married!  As the hour drew closer to picture time, many of us who were not in the wedding party sat in the shade of this grand tree and watched the fun. (To give you some perspective, those are three-seater wooden swings on each side of the big tree.)  What a way to do a wedding!   

There are always unexpected things that happen which help create the "special" memories and this wedding was no exception.  It was very surprising to see the bridesmaids cross the grass and come down the aisle in their barefeet.  Turns out all their shoes were so painful the bride told them to leave them behind.  So, of course, the two little flower girls took theirs off as well.  It was too cute! 

The two little ringbearers were both about four years old and cousins and each was quite adamant that he was standing in the correct spot but his counterpart was not. Quiet, animated gestures and finger pointing followed by vigorous shaking of the heads drew smiles from the guests.  During the ceremony, the younger of the flowergirls (3 years old) finished emptying the flower petals into a pile where she stood and then she set down the basket and sat on the grass.  As the time approached that she would need to pick up her basket and go back up the aisle, a bridesmaid tried to coax her into action.  Nope. She shook her head, folded her arms and the frown on her face said it all.  She was done!  While she did leave at the appropriate time, the bridesmaid carried the empty basket out herself. 

Everything was so perfect and reflected the gentle, sweetness of the bride and the humor and tender heart of the groom.  The words they had chosen to say about each other brought tears to our eyes and we were happy to see a couple who had come together to start a family with a strong, religious foundation. At the reception we all agreed that we had witnessed the beginning of what we felt certain would be a lifetime committment.  And that just makes you feel good. 

Edit:  Here are the proofs from the wedding.  Beautiful!