Monday, September 26, 2005

Going to my "Happy Place"

I had prepared a journal entry that turned out to be too large to save.  Then, in my efforts to cut it in half and make it a two parter, I lost the whole thing.  I know others have lost their work in the past (I have seen the verbal angst in many a journal!) so I shall wipe my eyes, stop grinding my teeth and move forward. But I still find myself asking, "Why me?"  LOL

My goal, from the inception of this journal, has been to try and focus on the positive. When people come to visit my little piece of cyberspace, I want them to go away feeling better for having been here.  Oh, that's not to say a journal should not be used to express those deeper emotions.  That's just not my intention in this space.  I am giving serious thought to starting another journal where I can express some things that are tugging at my heart.  But not here.  This is my "Happy Place." 

Until I lose what I am trying to Save.  


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain :(

Anonymous said...

Been there done that...feel for ya! It has happened to me more than once. Robin

Anonymous said...

You poor thing! I've had that happen several times. Reconstruction is the worst part because you always loose something in the translation. Still, it looks to me that you are still keeping to your goal. I smiled.


Anonymous said...

Sorry about the lost entry; its so frustrating because I know when it happens to me, I can never reconstruct what I originally said. Hope your day gets better


Anonymous said...

Oh yes...The gremlins at play! I have learned, through many many lost entries to ctrl A and then ctrl C.....this copies it to your clipboard before you hit save....Even with this knowledge I have still managed to forget...grumble grumble....

Anonymous said...

Oh no!  I hate that!!!  And I feel happier by listening to your that a!  I will talk to you later donna!
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

I like the thought of us each having our own piece of cyber space.  :)

Anonymous said...

We should start a journal for all of us to use when WE LOSE ENTRIES!

It's ok that you post the not-so-happy things on occasion, you know. We'll still like ya! And, heck, JLanders give some good advice!


Anonymous said...

Ugh god I HATE when that happens! They seriously need to get that straightened out!
<3 Amanda

Anonymous said...

A couple of suggestions. Type your entries in WordPad or an email or anywhere else where you can save it if needed. And/or, before trying to post, copy it so it'll be on your clipboard. In case AOL freezes or you can't post the whole thing, you can then paste it into a word processor, etc, and do your cutting there, then paste back into the entry window.

Can you tell I've had experience with this problem? :)

Anonymous said...

Ctrl+Z is the "uh oh" button - you can try that, but it won't always bring back an entry. Then you go into the multiple 4 letter words and decide you really didn't like what you wrote anyway and know you can do better on the second try.
