Saturday, September 24, 2005

Birth Date Quiz

Just another fun thing to do from Blogthings.  I snagged this from Celeste at The Dailies.


Your Birthdate: March 23 With a birthday on the 23rd of the month (5 energy) you are inclined to work well with people and enjoy them.
You are talented and versatile, very good at presenting ideas.
You may have a tendency to get itchy feet at times and need change and travel.

You tend to be very progressive, imaginative and adaptable.
Your mind is quick, clever and analytical.
A restlessness in your nature may make you a bit impatient and easily bored with routine.
You may have a tendency to shirk responsibility.
Very sociable, you make friends easily and you are an excellent traveling companion.
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

Edit:  Okay.  Rebecca and Betty both called me out on this in the Comments.  So how do I feel about this oh so scientific assessment?  Hmmm ... I feel that these are all traits of which I am proud to possess.  But I take issue with the one about shirking responsibility.  That just does not fit.  I may shirk ironing, sending hand written thank you notes, regular dusting, balancing my checkbook, and defragging my computer but that's about it.  Yeah - RIGHT!   


Anonymous said...

interesting how they can gather so much about someone's personality just by the day they were born. Does this fit you, Donna? I did mine and it fitted me about 25%.

thanks; these are always fun to do.


Anonymous said...

So would you agree with alot of that assessment? I better go check out what they say about my birthday
I hope your having a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Mine said I have leadership qualities, greater will power, self-confidence and originality... SO ME!! April 28 Loved the quiz
<3 Amanda

Anonymous said...

LOL those are all things I love to shirk off myself! Otherwise, the rest is great qualities in a person. Thank you for clearing up the open ended questions we had ;o) I agreed with my ohhh well, all the good stuff and of course none of the more negative things!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for alerting me that you edited this entry. Glad to see that your birthdate fits MOST but not ALL of you. I don't think you would be the type of personl to shirk responsibility. Hey; I've been known not to dust for a bit and between you and me, its been years since I've balanced by checkbook.
