Sunday, September 18, 2005

Patrick's Sunday Seven

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THIS WEEK'S QUESTION: You will be locked in a tape vault for six months and you can only have seven choices of television programs to watch. Name the seven shows -- present or past -- that you'd want to make sure were accessible by your remote control. Don't worry about listing them in any particular order...just pick seven you wouldn't want to be without for six months.

1. Boston Legal

2. Everybody Loves Raymond

3. The Tonight Show (Including the Johnny Carson years)

4. The Mary Tyler Moore Show

5. WKRP Cincinnati

6. The early Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoons

7. The Bob Newhart Show


Anonymous said...

This has been so fun to read other people's journals about the shows they liked. I totally forgot WKRP in Cincinnati - absolutely loved that show. Thanks for bringing back that memory :)


Anonymous said...

I totally loved WKRP and wish it was in syndication.  What a great cast of characters!  Remember the line, "As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!"?  Classic!

Anonymous said...

i was crazy about johnny fever. he was SO cool!

and mary tyler moore - loved it.  i'm taking it we're probably around the same age.  ;-)