Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Drumroll please


Big News!  I got a new job!  Only one or two of you were even aware of this but I have been looking for employment for longer than I care to admit.  When I moved back home to Texas, I just knew companies would be lined up, trying to outbid each other for my specific managerial skills.  Oh, no ... I needed to learn a few lessons first! 

I made the mistake of turning down two offers early on, certain that if I had those two so quickly, I could hold out for something even better.  Yes, I got greedy.  And, I was prideful.  And, I was stupid.  I soon discovered how truly tough the job market could be for a woman my age.  

I won't bore you with more details but finally, I found a job that I really wanted.  It has taken an additional three months for the interview process, negotiations and final offer to come through but it happened!  I am thrilled and I look back on this year as a time of true growth and self-realization. 

This experience has changed my attitude on so many things that I previously took for granted.  My material possessions do not mean as much to me now.  I've had the majority of my things in storage for so long and realize I can live without them.  I've become much more selective in how and where I spend my dollars.  I knew having savings was important but never realized how blessed I was til now.  Cooking at home can be more fun than eating out all the time.  (Okay. I wrote that but I am not convinced it is a lesson I have learned yet.)  I've learned WalMart's "sparkling flavored" water tastes just as good as soda. I did not have a single outfit that needed new jewelry!  I can distort myself far enough and hold the position long enough to do my own pedicure.  There are very few movies that must be seen on a big screen to really enjoy.  Staying home and reading is relaxing.  Libraries are not nearly as quiet these days as they use to be.  Yes.  I have learned a lot.

God bless my children for their love and support.  My daughter and son in law have been so wonderful to help keep my spirits lifted.

God bless my 25 year old, single son for graciously sharing his house with me.  I have put such a crimp in his life.  As long as I left the thermostat and the remote control alone, we got along beautifully but I know he is so ready for Mom to move on.

God bless my friends who have always stood by me, through the sunshine and the rain of my life.  Who would have thought the skies would be overcast for so long this time??

And, thank you to all my new buddies in J-land who, by the little things you said and did for me, lifted my spirits day after day. You had no idea how much a positive comment or an emailed compliment or that quick IM, meant during some very dark hours.

I see the light at the end of the tunnel and it isn't a train!




Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting the job, Donna!. By the way, my "5" idiosyncrasies will be coming soon.....        Jon

Anonymous said...


luv that rainbow pic!  i'm happy for you, congrats that u got the job you wanted!


Anonymous said...

congrats and good luck on the new job.

Anonymous said...

Yay I am so happy for you Donna!!!!  Congratulations!!!
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS DONNA!!!!  I am so pleased that you got the job you wanted.  Everything's comin' up roses!


Anonymous said...

That is absolutely fantastic, Donna! WTG and best wishes with your new job!


Anonymous said...

That is good news!!!  I am so happy for you.


Anonymous said...

You go girl!  


Anonymous said...

I knew you would do it. You're a class act, so it doesn't surprise me that you got the support you did. Nothing wrong with a little Humble Pie for all of us now and then, but you handled yourself with grace and some serious dignity! Remember, the kids are the way they are in large part because of their Mom!

Good luck with the next step!


Anonymous said...

This is awesome news!  Congrats!  I'm sure you'll love it!!  

Anonymous said...


But your picture posted for this entry looks like a big green bum to me.

Anonymous said...

LOL  Then that really adds new meaning to the rainbow and sun, huh?!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your recent visit to my journal and I am pleased to find this entry here!!!  Yay for you!!

Happy times for sure.

Christina       only poems

Anonymous said...

Well, congrats! :)