Monday, September 26, 2005

Ouch! Easy with the taser gun!

I should have responded when I was first tasered by Chaispice1023 at I have tea for the current meme racing through the blogsphere. 

The rules:

1.  Go to your journal's archives.

2.  Find the 23rd post.

3.  Find the 5th sentence in that post.

4.  Post that sentence with these instuctions.

5.  Tag five more people.

But noooooo.  I had to procrastinate until now.  I think one of the reasons I put it off was my feeling that the end result, in my case, was so lame.  Why couldn't it have been one of my more interesting sentences?  "My desire for perfection was in conflict with my inner-Picasso." or I ... was very excited to be included in this group's inner-circle, even if it was just for one night.  Those might invoke some curiosity to find out more. 

My 23rd entry was entitled "Love was in the air."  And the fifth sentence is For those who drove, they could have done without the high gas prices.   TaDa!

I used my most recent Alerts to find unsuspecting participants. Don't you feel special?  You should.  There is only just so much time to read new posts so I have to be selective in my alert choices. Lucky you!  LOL

Now I am going to taser:

Steven  Does he ever do the memes?





Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Do you mean me, Betty? or another Betty, LOL. I already got tagged; but here is my entry from that.

Mine was nice; it was a tribute to my guitar playing husband.

thanks for the tag!!


Anonymous said...

Oh, my! We're are using taser guns here in JLand now?! Yikes!

Anonymous said...

but, your sentence is so relevant to current events!


i think it fit perfectly.

Anonymous said...

Hey there.  Love your journal.  
Thanks so much for visiting mine....
Hey I was tagged too only, silly me, I misunderstood.  Since it was the 24th of September, I thought they wanted us to look at the 23rd of September's entry....but later I realized it was the 23rd entry of your journal.  duhhh....on my part.  LOL.

Anonymous said...

I do the memes :-)
Since I have the daily photo I'll often take a pass though.

I did this one tonight!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words about my blog!  I did the meme at this entry -  I sent it onto one other person, but you managed to snag Betty and Steven, two I would have chosen!  ;-)