Thursday, September 8, 2005

Just something else to blame on parents

I have been working on my list of 100 Things About Me (required writing for all new bloggers, don’t ya know?!) and listing myself as the oldest of four children was one of my points.  That got me thinking about birth order and I Googled it to see what I could learn.  It is not mythical, mysterious, or mystifying.  I believe there is a basis of common sense in the ideas many have written on the topic. 


As I mentioned in my early post regarding Mr. Picassohead, my desire for perfection was incompatible with my inner Picasso. I have learned that my birth order is the reason for that conflict.  I am also very self-aware of both my strong and weak traits.  But I cannot be blamed or praised for either.  They are all a result of being the firstborn daughter.


Here are just some of the highpoints of my internet travels.  Pictures available upon request.


Firstborns demand a lot of themselves, and of others in turn.  They learn to be resourceful, self-reliant and tough.  Psychologists and researchers often describe typical firstborns as serious, conscientious, take-charge, goal-oriented, aggressive, rule-conscious, exacting, conservative, organized, responsible, jealous, fearful, and anxious. Clearly, not all firstborns fit these descriptors, but as a group, most have more than their share of these traits.


My Expressive Mode is Verbal.  No surprise there.  If I do not have an audience to listen, I will write it out.  Blogmeister.

My Personality/Role is Matriarch Problem Solver.   

Focus/Outlook - Strong-willed, Mature, Family Oriented. 

Needs from Parents – Play, Trust, Closeness, Stability.

Ideally Becomes – Positive Leader, Teacher, Mother

When imbalanced – Serious, Controlling, Dominant  Who says this is imbalanced?!!

Energetic Essence – Pure Love of Life.  Oooo this sounds nice.  It’s a keeper.


Check, check, check.  I think I’ll accept the positive ones and dismiss the not-so-agreeable traits. I can do that you know.  I am strong-willed and controlling.  Deal with it!


If you are not a firstborn daughter, check your birth order traits at  


Anonymous said...

I am the oldest of 3, thanks for the info.  Some of it was true.


Anonymous said...

Interesting; gonna have to check it out. I'm the second born daughter, but the third child in a family. Wonder what I will come up with.

