Friday, September 30, 2005

It is a Google kind of night.

I think I have too many alerts turned on.  Luckily, I am something of a speed reader but I sometimes spend more time reading than contributing.  Doesn't matter.  I enjoy reading all of the clever posts, admire the wonderful pictures and generally learn something from each one. 

A little while ago I read Dorn's entry at the Dust Bunny Club of America. Much like the old shampoo commercial, I got this idea from Dorn, who got it from Vortex Girl who got it from ...... and so on and so on ..... 

The premise is to go to keyword Google , and type in "your name is" in quotation marks, like this "Donna is".  Hit [google search] and read what the world wide web has to say about you!  I searched for "Donna is" and got back 247,000 hits.  That was more than I cared to tackled so I then typed in my whole name and got back 65 hits.  More manageable.  Only one of them was actually me but I found several more interesting choices. This was fun.  Here are my favorite picks. 

Donna ***** is probably in no mood for ridicule, consternation and unsolicited advice, but she started it.

Donna ***** is a Registered User in the Hotrodders Bulletin Board.

Donna ***** is a graduate of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto. She was also a certified Early Childhood Educator.

Donna ***** is interested in using the Competency Files to recruit her employees.

Donna ***** is charged with forming a fake company, writing $190,000 worth of checks from her employer's bank account to that company and then cashing them.

I learned I am a flower.


DONNA ***** is a bright burnt orange self, on a 27 inch scape, the bloom is 5 inches and the bud count is 14 per scape. The flower reblooms well for us in central Georgia.

I learned I am a boat.


The ketch Donna ***** is an old light vessel.  

Within the article I found this tidbit to be most enlightening.

Below deck Donna ***** has proper hotel comfort for up to 22 persons in 9 cabins with hot/cold water. Besides several spacious bathrooms/toilets.

I bet you can't say that!



Anonymous said...

Hi there! I'm a stay-at-home mom and was just browsing around similar journals and found yours. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit, you have an awesome journal! Take care and have a great weekend. :-)

~ Susan

Anonymous said...

Donna, I saw this in another journal yesterday too; such a cute idea. I love your graphics and all you are....especially the flower picture.

I found a way to manage my alerts. I got too overwhelmed opening AOL and finding I had close to 50 alerts. Made me feel like I had to rush through things since I'm such a type A personality. So what I do is for journals I absolutely want to get an alert for, I keep those on alert status. For others that if I don't have to read daily, I put them in my favorites, turned off the alerts and then as I have time I go in and check them out to see if there is a new entry or not. Sometimes there are two or three entries that I haven't read so I comment on them at one time instead of having had two or three alerts for them - make sense? It simplified it for me and I feel less overwhelmed.

thanks for mentioning the Google thing. I'm going to try it some time.


Anonymous said...

You found out some very interesting things about yourself!

Anonymous said...

LOL ok, now I think I'm to afraid to even try that one.